:squirrel_chatting: ... [login]*typing*... [system faler](-_- it miss spelled failer)*typing*... [incorrect password](>: ( what?!)... *bang bang bang*[insufficient funds](o_0 wtf)... [request granted,,,{loading},,,{loading},,,{loading},.. now playing track:journey;don't stop believing](what! no no NO I JUST WANT TO LOGIN)[{♪}just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, toke a midnight train going any were. just a city boy, born and raised in south detroy, toke a midnight train heeding any were!♪](-_- screw this sony im getting a live account.) [FONT="]My name is shadowdyno, if you ever meet some one who screams into there mike, hates little kids, calls any one with a captain grade one or higher a ranking ***(which you probably are. ) and booted you ten minutes into the game just because he could, that was probably me after having 200 to many drinks.(if i hated you for some reason during one of my night blow outs then dont worry about it... i probably dont remember who you are) my mane love is forging(obviously) and playing a good game of slayer as long as every body doesn’t take it to seriously.(OMG WE CANT LOSS THIS GAME!!! I CANT AFFORD MY RANK TO GO DOWN I WONT!!! THIS IS SO SERIES!!!) Im not rely one for the halo match making because every one takes there rank to heart and just wont relax during the game. o and i think the ranking system is rigged.(>_>there’s no way that noob mad general.) but that’s just me, hello and i cant wait to bring you all some great maps. squirrel_evil:first i will kill every one who post on this thread then the world!!! mu wahahahahahahaha):squirrel_jaffa::squirrel_jaffa::squirrel_jaffa:[/FONT]
wow.. i can already tell im going to hate having you on the site... at least your grammar wasnt too bad.. welcome to forgehub... you look someone who likes mindless banter. may i refer you to the off topic forum?
hey i think i joined a game that you were in earlier. but anyway welcome to forgehub. because its always nice to see a new face here once in a while. P.S. and if you have any questions feel free to pm me about them Here.
If you actually had 200 drinks you'd secome to alcohol posoining... just throwing that out there. But still welcome to ForgeHub. You might wanna visit the "Rules" and "FAQs" up there on your gray bar on top before posting your soul out. As for yelling across the mike, hating little kids, and calling higher rank people fags... i'm sure there is therapy for that. BTW you can't lose EXP through losing matches, only through quitting or getting booted. PM w/ questions... that's all.
I see you are unique, I have run into people like you, sometimes friendly, usually cuz I am a brigadier also your avatar is the pokemon Riolu, but who cares, welcome to forgehub
i am so f*ck*ng awsome i know aint it greait!!! you just cant hat that little guy. ;P NOW FOR MINDLLES SINGING!!!!! take it away Sony!! [loding,,,loding,,,lodi... now playing track;Dropkick Murphys:shipping up to bosten] [{♪}I'm a sailor peg And I've lost my leg Climbing up the top sails I lost my leg! I'm shipping up to Boston whoa I'm shipping up to Boston whoa I'm shipping up to Boston whoa I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg{♪}]