I agree we played this for our last TGIF and it was sweet, i love everything about it, the upward slide, the sniping towers, everything, nice job.
very cool and its probably top ten in avalanche maps but when put against everything its not very good.
Not too terribly hard. But there's nothin to do out there. no weapons, vehicles, anything. Seeing as its an objective map, and not slayer, leaving the map means you lose. So there's no incentives to leave at all... mature players wouldn't leave anyway.
You are the avalanche GOD. Please, give me a brain transplant, I NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Love the map by the way xD
This is a really good map. I'm glad it isn't fonundry, cause those get boring after a while. I love your creativity with the mario pipes!
I want to kno if anybody can help me with some stratigies for forgeing. I want to kno how to overlap items and how to make a mini map on the outsides of the real map. Can anyone help me.