Hey everone i made a NEW HALO MART map and i will be outting pics on this soon but right now i cant and the map includes a cafe with ove (throw a nade in their to turn on the oven) new refurbished aisles, a illegal vehicle woops well i guess halo mart likes the blackmarket, new mongoose carts, new flower/grenade shop, and much more PLEASE download, rate, comment, and do whatever else you can to promote my new map. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this post does not need tobe closed yet as no one has shown him how to embed his pics he still has a 24 hour period to fix the post. to learn to embed pics go into a community map forum and click on the sticky explaining how to post
if you still dont know how, just try this guide, and hurry cause this map sounds very nice 1. take pics on halo 3, have an xbox live connection so it sends to bungie 2. go to bungie.net, find a player, [your online name] and view the screenshots 3. download all the ones you wish to have on your post, [max 20] 4. upload to a free image hosting website like photobucket.com 5. click on the image thumbnail, [this part takes a while] 6. you will see the full size image, right click on it and hit open in new window 7. copy the link in the adress bar 8. in ur post, put link inbetween these, 9. go back to the next image and repeat steps 5 through 8 until you have ur images
This is what you should've done befor you posted this thread. Take it from a dude that has been through this. Before you post: Take pictures of it, take action pictures, get a gametype for this.
Posting stops here!!!! This post is not up to Forgehub standards,and the user has 24 hours to fix or this is locked.We don't need everyone bumping this thread up by saying the same thing.Your all reported except for the first poster.
Is tehre any gametype for it... if not, what do you recommend.. is it even designed for anything, or is it an aesthetic map?
Looks cool, you just gave me an idea for my next map, I'll d/l! And guys don't be so harsh he said he'd get the pics up shortly and he did. Remember the 24hr limit.
This map is suitable for slayer and team slayer and im guessing but going off on a ledge maybe even fat kid.
I was thinking the same thing that this belongs in the aethetic map section. I would recommend that it is moved there.