Chiron DB-94 V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Speed-e-cake, Jun 8, 2008.


Does this map remind you in any way of Chiron TL-34?

  1. Yes, you would be blind or never played Halo CE to not think that!

    21 vote(s)
  2. No, not in the slightest.

    3 vote(s)
  3. I never played Halo CE or ever heard of Chiron TL-34...

    9 vote(s)
  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Chiron DB-94 V2
    Created by Speed e cake

    Supported Gametypes:
    Every gametype is supported; however best played with small Free-For-All Slayer, KoTH and Oddball parties. I don't recommend teams unless you're playing with honorable people since say in a game of oddball blue team has the ball, they go in one room and block all the tele's with their body, red team has no acces to the room so they can't kill the ball holder. Sucks, I know, but there is no way to fix it without destroying the charm of Chiron.

    Map Description
    This map is a re-make / spiritual successor to Chiron TL-34 from Halo CE. It only has 5 out of 10 rooms. For those who don't know or haven't played Halo CE, Chiron TL-34 was a close quarters map that was ten different rooms connected by 29 different tele-porters. The only changes are I added a few weapons to tailor the map more towards Halo 3 gameplay since Halo CE the melee was useless but now it's godly, also instead of health packs I replaced them with a bubble shield and regenerator.

    UPDATE: With some critisisms of others and my own I finally made a 2nd versoin of Chiron DB 94, some updates include:

    - Making floors and roofs smoother and more aesythetically pleasing.

    - Weapons placement has been changed for the better such as: reduced number of "sticky grenades", moved Mauler (seriously what was I thinking, the mauler and the shotgun were in the same room!), BR and Plasma Pistol, added a spiker, slightly moved rockets and plasma grenades from edges so you can just jump up close to the and hold RB to pick them up, I removed the Magnum and a AR and I changed the Max. run times for every weapon.

    - Plasma Rifle and Regenorator room has been re-done and this time you can't stand on Window Panels and camp.

    - I placed Reciver Nodes inside Sender Nodes to make every Teleporter look identical (not a big change but it helps make Chiron look and feel like Chiron (Halo CE owners know what I'm talking about)).

    - Added a little fun twist for Infection: everyone at the start of a game is split up, the humans inicially spawn in seperates rooms but the infected spawn in the top of the shotgun room.

    New Weapon list:
    x2 Spiker
    x1 Mauler
    x1 Shotgun
    x2 Battle Rifles
    x1 Brute Shot
    x1 Assault Rifles
    x1 Plasma Pistol
    x2 Plasma Rifle
    x2 SMG
    x2 Frag Grenade
    x2 Plasma Grenade
    x1 Bubble Shield
    x1 Regenerator
    x1 Overshield

    New Pics:

    Angle 1 of the new plasma rifle room.

    Angle 2 of the new plasma rifle room.

    New Mauler and BR spawn.

    New plasma pistol spawn and Double box is now flipped and interlocked with the bridge for smoothness.

    The Rocket hole.

    The added Spiker.

    Old Pics:

    Please note that pictures are of V1 not V2, there maybe some differences between the pics and the new version of the map. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    An overview of the map done in MS Paint. Note that the rooms aren't in the exact same shape as shown.







    Thank you to all that gave feedback, REDSHADOW1337 for helping me forge and to all who enjoy Chiron DB 94 V1!
    Download Chiron DB-94 V2
    #1 Speed-e-cake, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when halo CE came out i wasnt into video games, so i dont really know chiron. but what i see of this remake, it looks good to me.
  3. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good

    Hey man I have been looking for a remake of the old Halo CE map Chiron and this looks pretty good. I am definitely downloading and will be trying it out with my friends.
  4. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Oh damn, I just wrote a huge review kinda thing and accidently quit out of it and lost it all... So I will try retype it all but yeah...

    Anyway, I really like that you've remade this map because it has somewhat of a cult following. Most people hate the original, most people don't love the original and a few people like it =]
    I'm one of the few that like the map so I can't wait to check this map out.

    Anyway to comment on the post itself. I really like the little over view picture you made in Paint. It's actually quite detailed for a MSP picture =P
    The description is good and not drawn out or too short like some other descriptions. The screen shots look really good and show off the map quite well. I can see areas that I recognise from the original map in the screen shots.
    The only thing I think is missing is a weapons list. I would really like to know what weapons you placed on the map compared to the weapons that are in the original map.

    As for the map itself, I can't comment on game play (RRoD) but I assume it to be an intense game to play and very fast compared to the original. As you stated in the description, the melee in Halo:CE is much worse then the melee we have now.

    The interlocking in this map looks pretty good but I have noticed a few issues with straightening that could be adjusted to make it look a little better, not that it matters at all. It's a very minor issue. One thing i am intrigued by is the staircases you have in the third picture. It looks quite facinating =P

    To sum up, this map looks really good as a Forge map its self but as a remake it looks great! It looks very true to the original and could stand alone as good FFA close range map.

    I am adding this map to my download que and can't wait to test it out. Well done =]
    I can't wait to see more maps from you =D

    One last thing, as I said in the first sentence I had already typed out a review and now re-doing it I went completely blank, reading all this over again I noticed it's kinda boring compared to what I first typed so pretend all this is incredibly entertaining =]

  5. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks good, looks like it was very carefully planned out and built
  6. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    at first i didnt recognize because i havent played halo CE,but then i realized something,this seems like the "janitors closet" on Red Vs Blue season 3 episode 1
  7. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice. Added to my list to dl when i empty my que list. well done.


    this is a PERFECT piece of cake -^.^-
  8. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what it should look like, but I can only recognize a few things from the pics. I'll have to take a look it at it in a little to see if its really accurate. Thank you for attempting this, no matter how it is, I love Chiron. And what are yous talkin about!?!?! The Halo 1 melee was t3h s3x!
  9. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dl'd. and it has been loved :) glad you took the time to remake this map. well done. The nostalgia that flowed once I hit start map was intense XD

    congrats. take your win good sir. you have deserved it.
  10. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    awesome map 5/5. Nice interlocking and you kept the layout too. i have seen many of these remakes of this map but this is the best so far so kudos to you and + rep
  11. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Halo CE had a lot of good maps but chiron was by far my least favorite. I played it maybe twice and can hardly remember the name.

    Some people like it I guess and this is a good honest remakes. I would however have added more red signs since the original map was red and gray. Maybe also some fece walls merged into the reall walls to give a more interesting look to it. The fece walls could be flipped upside down to display their warning strip (the black and yellow stripes)
  12. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    i wouldnt know wat it should look like but looks really neat and ther are some cool, features, teeporters dont work normaly that well but uv done it quite well, looks neat good job
  13. C4nuck28809

    C4nuck28809 Ancient
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    This is cool! I just wish it someone could make an EXACT remake of the Chiron TL-34. . .

    And Blood Gulch

  14. BlitzkriegRecon

    BlitzkriegRecon Ancient
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    looks well made but too confusing for me sorry no DL. 3/5 tops
  15. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    dude, you have the rocket room. I love that room. I love you.
  16. Tech485

    Tech485 Ancient
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    Pretty Good map. i give it a 5/5, Good Remake of it.Even though you can Crouch Jump Through the Shield Door and Window Panels And hide, Its pretty good. i would fix that though.
  17. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya, I tried to fix that previously but failed miserably, I will be making a V2 soon with some better aesthetics and weapon placement.
  18. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice V2 looks a lot cleaner and some things made better for gameplay and i'm not just saying this because i helped.
  19. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    finally! i'm glad you made a V2 it looks a lot better than before. even though it does not affect the gameplay except for that one hall where you could get out throught the window panels and now you cannot it still is quite improved. my only concern which has no effect on the gameplay is the rocket room. awesome room but the walls are a little sloppy as well as the roof, but it does look better than before. keep forging man!

    Oh and i've decided to make Chiron TL34 as well its gonna be great. thnks for inspiring me to make it Speed e cake
    The Real KingLS2 likes this.
  20. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    i helped him make the roof in the rocket room yes yes i know it sucks but he only had 3 bridges and a double box that is the best i could do with and i hate the roof(or wall whatever) of foundry it makes it even harder. And he did change a few weapon placements so that does affect the gameplay.

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