This is a map idea I thought of while watching the old movie "logans run" and decided to make a map with a deathpit and it turned out great! It is ready for all gametypes, is interlocked and geo-merged and I suggest slayer, assult, koh, and territories, yes I said territories, and oddball. This map has the pit, and a lower level that is maze like. The big part is all gametypes end up fighting around the pit for fall in deaths, and ambushes down below or from above. there are three ways up to the pit. The old reliable stairs that leave you wide open, the man-cannon that isnt all that reliable because you may not make it or may end up in the pit, or the teleport that is fast but you must go through ambush country to get to. the pit has a 60 sec spawn hammer at the far end that helps players send foes to their death. you can defend yourself with a 90sec spawn shottie or one of many nades. weapons list: B.R.- 2 A.R.-3 mauler-2 spiker-2 hammer-1 60sec shottie-1 90sec carbine-1 smg-2 frag-5 stickies-5 spike nades-2 bubble sheild-1 link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy the close to mid goodness!
this looks really really REALLY well done. i love the pit! it's so awesome. i'd DL, but i cant right now, so i'll try to when i get more space
when i saw that it said pit, i was skeptical because pit maps are very over-done. however, this looks like a well thought out and talented map. 4.5/5
sweet, i love the death pit! it looks very professional awesome interlocking and stuff very nice job!
Rather nice looking, I never saw the movie but I always meant to. As for the map the pit is a good idea as it creates a focal point, seems like a good King of the Hill map.
thanks thanks for the dls, yes the koh is great fun the hills move from the center of the pit to open areas below!
thats a good pit, but whos logan, my brothers name is logan, but he doesnt have a pit, well he does, its just, oh, oh crap never mind
really nice job, i like the idea, is there a hill that goes around the hole, cause you could make it so that was the only hill for a great kill for points area... good work!