CQB Towers was origninally a construction site 40 years ago. In the midst of construction on a newly designed 2 floored building, a deadly disease broke out, wiping out all workers of the project. 40 years later, Spartans were sent to investigate. CQB Towers is a symmetrical close-quarters map that is played with Team Slayer. Map is suitable for 4-8 players. WATCH THE MAP TOUR FIRST. To watch the map tour, click the box below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uukum62s_Y8 WEAPONS: Sniper Rifle x1 Sword x1 Bruteshot x2 Mauler x2 SMG x2 Battle Rifle x2 Plasma Grenade(s) x4 Equipment: Power Drainer x1 [][]MAP PICS[][] Side A Side B CQB Towers Overview Front Teleporter Upstairs sniper roost Sword spawn Maze field Bruteshot Tower Mauler's Spawn Plasma Grenade's Spawn [][]ACTION PICS[][] Bruteshot action Sword Spree! Headshot! Mauler Action Get Stuck! More Bruteshot Action I'mma sneaky mofo Hang On! Who wins? To download, click the link below: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Thanks for viewing!
this a good map the post is really good as well but there is something that i feel is putting me off not sure but that doesn't bover me 8/10 nice interlocking FIRST POST
Good map, really welll made, although it could use a bit more interlocking along with neatness, The map also seems as if it was made as it was it was thought out
Thank you :] if you have space and time, you should definitely try it out, I'm sure you'd want to give it a 10 then lol
i like this map the interlocking looks really good and the gameplay looks really good i like the map. 4/5
thank you :] I also have a FFA/1v1 map that I will be posting soon. It has really good interlocking too, with some faults in it. But I really like it. It's called Confined so look out for that one too.
this map looks really good congrats it reminds me of a cstrike map i can't place my finger on the teh name though but i like all the interlocking and the structure of the map 4/5
its a neat map, i like it. personally i hate the sword, to many people think there awsome when they use it. but still 4/5.
I think this map is really cool looking. if you make v2 you might wanna make more rooms in the towers. make things even more cqb. just an idea.
Very interesting...although it sort of seems like 1 big tower and small structures in the corner (probably the whole aspect of the idea)...Id give a 7.8/10 because gameplay on it may look fun, but repetitive, which isnt bad at all. Nicely interlocked and neatly done, nice job!