My first map put on forgehub! MAP GAMETYPE [size=+3]Hurricane TownV2[/size] My infection map Hurricane town was based upon two different types of maps. which in my opinion are boring apart (sometimes). these two maps are splatter maps (when things come tumbling down at your face), and town maps. Now i think this is pretty original because i have never seen one like this before but if dont think so then please tell me in the replys. This map features Four buildings Three for humans and one where zombies spawn around. there is an almost constant stream of large items flowing on both sides of the map. Zombies die with a shot to the head with a magnum which is the weapon for the humans. magnums have limited ammo and humans have normal sheild and movement. Zombies have an infinite ammo sword and run at 125% and normal gravity, no sheilds, 200% damege resitance so you will have to shoot a zombie in the head to kill it easily. this map is not the cleanest or very EXPERTLY put together but I feel and have seen that you can have alot of fun playing it. Watch out for the flesh eating zombies and flying peices of debries. this is the main building that most people hide and die in. A shot of the zombie spawn area right in the middle of most of the flying objects making it difficult to see the zombies come out. In the garage there is a warthog, almost useless but i wanted to see what people would do with it. In back of the main building there is a shot gun. but difficult to get because it is close the zombie spawn point. a hole in the second floor of the main building leads to a small room in which to hide. with the use of a gravity lift inside of the room you can push up the pallets blocking of the entrance Kill the zombie quick because once he is in its hard to get a headshot, the shotgun is ideal for this area. The zombie got and overkill once he got in. I hope everyone enjous the map, and if not please go ahead and copy me, if I cant make a good version of an original map then please try your best to make this a better map. Hurrican TownV3 will be much better and will have embeded pictures if these do not work it will be out soon. me about to get killed
Theres no pics, and this is going to get locked if there is none within 24 hours so suggest this, go into FAQ and it should have a thread "Embeding pictures" U need to read it P.S check out my map for FFA 2-3 ppl its under ur thread in home
edit your oringinal post DO NOT DOUBLE POST YOUR MAP and embed pics i will glady help you do that click my username and send me a private message with any questions
one of the pics have been locked any way this is how you post pictures the sexy way okay 1)you take the pics on halo 2)then go to 3)look at the pics you have taken and go to the one you want 4)either copy the URL (website) or save the picture, 5) go to this website A.K.A image shack 6)browse for the pic or paste the URL (website) 7) then host the image 8) copy that pic 9) edit the post and paste the pic 10) get praised for a good post
Orbital is a good friend of mine, don't get mad because he double posted, It was his first time, it has pics now, so just stop spamming. the map is very fun, i played there earlier, you should download it I rate this map 9/10
reminds me of the days when I was massive boy, I used to destroy places like that. But no, mean ol people gave me bad rep so here I am, Big Boy. Uh... Fun for infection I guess, but aesthetically, to say the truth, not so good. Although it IS a hurricane town. anyways, congrats on finally getting the pics up =).
WOW! Really creative, build a town with stuff flying around, I honestly would have never thought of that, really good work.
man this is a very good map i much prefer it to that hurricane thingy i hate that but this is a nice map altogether and help you to post the map yeah
this maps looks really fun, i love these hurricane maps, also, your gametype puts a nice spin on it im downloading
Orbital!! nice to see you got it worked out! looks good. invite me to play sometime! GT=Murdock Sampson. btw, 4/5 on the map, good work for your first map post. Props! -Sampson
this is genious! my friends and i have a map that is just the stuff flying right at you. and weve had alot of fun in it. ill definetly download this.