Your image is wrong. You might want to see: FH Map Posting Rules Might wanna get rid of your double post to not get in trouble.
Welcome to forgehub! This post is not up to standards. Embed pics by: Saving the pics off Bungie. Uploading them to Photobucket. Press the embed pics button in the thread typing section. Copy the pics dirct link in that box It will be embeded in your post.
Get rid of your second reply by hitting edit and then deleting it... the mods will get mad if you double reply...
Just edit, hit delete, and then click the circle that says "delete message" at the bottom and then hit "delete this message at the very bottom
Are you doing it on the main post or the second one? I'm talking about the second one. i'm not sure how to delete the thread, but if i were you i'd delete the second post because its a double post and you can get dinged for that.