Here's the link: A very accurate remake of Hang Em' High (Halo 1) and Tombstone (Halo 2). Very fun and ready for all gametypes.
You phailed, but don't worry because you can fix this. Be sure to view the tacked guidelines as to how to properly post your map. You need a bit longer description and embedded screenshots. Please fix this because I'm sure you have some good remakes on your hands. Thanks.
It looks good, however it doesn't look like the best remake. There are some remakes that are far more accurate.
Looks nice, But like others have said there are others that are more accurate. However don't think of this project as a waste of time, Because you have gained valuable forge EXP. Keep it up and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
thanks for the positive input. Yeah I'm getting better and better and I'm making a new Hang em' high remkae that will totally outdue this one. THX for not flaming