Symmtrical 2 or 4 team multi level map with destructible center piece set up for all game types STONEHENGE Stonehenge is not a recreation of stonehenge so is not an asthetic map I just use that for the title It is set up for all gametypes I recommend n bomb mosh pit counquest FFA slayer and ctf Players spawn in one of the 4 corner bases with 2 teams they start in the diagonal bases there are 3 ways in and out of the structure all leading directly to a different level these are really obvious and cannot be missed The weapons increase in power the higher you go on the ground there is 2 smgs 2 pistols 2 spikers and 2 maulers in the middle there is 2 battle rifles 2 spike and plasma grenades a shotgun and a trip mine and on the top there is a rocket launcher a laser{120 respawn} and a fuel rod gun{which ricochets of a lot of stuff} and 2 bubble shields there are also 3 weapons outside the main figure of 8 structure they are in the middle on oppoite sides 1 brute shot 1 sniper rifle 1 flame thrower This map has been tested and plays well there are 60 + respawn points so spawn killing is not an issue the destructible section of map changes the play when damaged creates/removes cover but does not kill from fall damage EDIT throw the trip mine back on the holder when you pick it up also insert spinal tap reference DOWNLOAD STONEHENGE overview overview 2 center battle rifle grenade spawn symmetrical base a symmetrical base b symmetrical stairs symmetrical middle middle action
looks like a fairly good map. sloppy in some places, like the double box geomerged into the ground and wall. i wood make a very neat v2
i like the map, i'll DL. but in future posts, a little punctuation wouldn't hurt... you know, these guys? >>":;,'."<<
This map looks like there are many ways to play the map instead of just camping a certain area. I like the stonehenge thingy on top too. Looks nice! Map: 4/5
Nice looking, but I'd make the walls higher, two grenade jumps and I'm out, or am I supposed to get to the default foundry starting spawn?
Nice. I just posted my aesetic remake of stonehenge yesterday. Looks like you expanded on the playable aspect. Good Job!
there is no money left to add anything but you wont be able to get out during normal play and why would you want to? i did start it as a remake of stone henge but it didnt play well and the sun didnt shine through supporting the popular theory that it was some sort of calender for the summer and winter solstis i have just looked at yours very good but i wanted something higher up
lol oh ok. sorry. i've seen all too many people with posts like "oh my god my map is kewl it has two bases the weapons BR Sword Shotgun there are warthogs in the etc. etc." it's like dude, slow down lol. as long as you're not like that, i feel a bit better downloading this
ironiclly it was water that caused the damage and yes that l8r and kewl shite is not good and i would never use it in a post accept for this one more irony in other news i will be testing my birds of prey map pack in about 3 hours its an areil cat and mouse game if anyone wants to help gt is same as user name its a lot of fun and requires a little teamwork
Very nice interlocking and the way u put the stone henge up so high, I love Objective maps. 5/5 and will D/L. P.S I will give u some Feed back.
Wow! Very nice map. Smooth, exquisite, and great to play in. But the fence box wall is escapable with an easy grenade jump. 5/5
This map is fantastic. I do see that the map map be easy to escape and that interlocking is a teeny bit sloppy in some places but the rest of the map makes that seem miniscule. The slope leading to stonehenge is well built and so are the bases. The rocket launcher seems a little hard to get to and you may need to improve that aspect. Your hill boundry is...interesting. Also you action shots are great. 5/5
thanks the rocket launcher is easy to get from the higher level of the main stucture it just doesn't look that way from the pic
Wow! I saw this like partly done when you were first building it and it was great! Anyways I'll defiantly have to check this out now since it's all done. Ps. I could make it unlimited budget for you so you could totally block in the map...