OMAHA! (Update)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by G043R, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Blarg. Use Turret Case lids with teleporters over them to hold it down. Two on the back, on the sides, and one in the front.
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    OOOOOOOOOOo ok... That I Could do... i think...

    I am avoiding on doing this... because... I am making it so that both sides have a heavy tank if the game is slayer, reason is that they can't cross the middle... they are to slow and large to fit threw that door or make it threw the gun fire of falling fusion cores.... this image should help me explain the map so much better...

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Red Zone is the mine field...

    Yellow the Territories

    Orange Zones the machine guns fire and PINK where they are...

    1. its a beach front which at the starts has falling pallets that make it feel like your coming off landers its where the bomb spawns and also where you can find the warthog if you manage to open the door later on and also risk running the mine field of fusion coils...

    2Germans have domain here most weapons for them are the spike grenade and SMGs since the have large machine guns they should fire those first...

    3 This bunker has normal German weapons. And 2 Machine guns... Also the Flame thrower is where the bubble shield is... more than likely... only the Attacker can really risk going for it... the Defenders lose track of the Enemy spells trouble..
    also this is Plot number 1

    4 this is where the one of 2 ways you should walk to avoid gun fire... there is also a grav lift over by there to make it up to the tower if you want to... but also a way to the bunker..

    5The broken wall holds the way to plot 3 which most of the time is really quickly taken...

    6 this point is little to know but there is bubble and wall shieds for you to hop to the wall

    7 this underground base is really smaller due to crates making it more hand to hand fighting...

    8this is the path to the right... more dangerous.. because of the machine guns but is fastest...

    9 same as 8

    10 weapon spot some BRs and brute shots to weaken defenders if they can not get cut down while getting it...

    11most important key point in the map with most fire power...plot number 2 and also where you take the bomb

    12 its the gate which is usually closed...

    13... switch... which also has not much to add to about...

    14 holds plot 3 which is also a spawn point at the way bottom.. in the corner...

    15 this is plot 5 and also holds the German commanders office... holds a LUGER! (you have to see to understand)... also add cover around the AA turret....

    also the middle base thing has weapons and also the wraith to be used as mortar fire... it is usually taken down quickly by being bored... or... rocket fire... at close range...
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA! UPdate! more detail on how the map works better pics and also map edi

    Sorry for second post... I updated... the wraith isn't forced to stay up on the tower..but it should for vantage point.. most of the update is more control on weapon spawns and on the different game type... also territory 3 is smaller... easier to take and protect...
  4. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA! UPdate! more detail on how the map works better pics and also map edi

    What is this? Another d-day map? I don't like competition, have the squirrels take him out back and show him how we do things around here at forgehub XD
  5. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA! UPdate! more detail on how the map works better pics and also map edi

    Well I respect the idea is on High Ground :)
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Even though some may disagree Highground isen't my favorite choice for a D-day map. Also, this has been done before so please put more effort into making it actually worth comparing to others. You put the work in I can see which I like so good efforts.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I been still playing around with this map and It seems like the game becomes more of a bunker fight then a machine gun fight... ... I litterd the bases with crates and object so there is more often small places for people to pop out from... btw I still think that this D- Day is a balanced fight...
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Hah, well anyone who knows history sure knows that D-Day was not a balanced fight. I understand what your saying though.
  9. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    I like this better
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Um... as far as what I am going at ... D-day was more of a succsess then a killing spree for the Germany... In sections the Germans really did poorly in... Like... Utah I think... where the 2nd Rangers Really Did well pushed the Germans back Far... for those that don't believe me... or if not I can get a link to my WW2 teacher... Um.. thats not to much of the point... I know people hate D day maps... this picture proves it...
    [img width=462 height=800][/img]
    um... I think that if any one would play a balanced game of D Day look here... support all game types also

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