A close-quarters infection map. Zombies spawn in the "coffins" along the wall. Zombies have no shields, but are fast, and with swords. Humans do not have radars but have Shotguns and Magnums, with limited ammo. Where will they spawn from next? The custom-powerup gives you radar for 4 seconds. [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/19751889-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/19751748-Full.jpg[/img] Download Map Download Gametype
This sounds like a cool zombies map. I like the coffins, thats creative. I don't see any screenshots of the entire map however. You might want to add some for the result of more downloads. Good job though.
It's actually just that room. And it's pretty much the same all the way around. Also, lol, I can't get out of the room any more to take pictures with out take apart some of the map.
I actually had the original idea of Grav. Hammers instead, for a more "dramatic" entrance. But after deliberation I decided that not only would that make it extremely obvious and give them away, but it would also start to destroy the surrounding "coffins." Decreasing spawn points and making it easier to kills the zombies. That's why I put the barriers and pallets to instant respawn.
Yeah basically. Just think of it as a "prototype." I really just made this to try out the coffin idea. Since everyone seems to appreciate it, I'm going to go ahead with my real idea. Everyone has seen the Pharaoh's Tomb map right? Well I'm going for something like that only not so close quartered. Think of it as a sort of "mortuary." Different rooms, secret rooms, more surprises. Sound good?
I think its a good idea. Gameplay wise im not sure, it might just be the humans standing in the middle watching each other back and headshoting the zombie when they bust through.
You would think, but everyone thinks it's a better idea to just stand inside the coffins so the zombies won't spawn there and that's it's a better hiding spot.
What if you made it so in 3 minutes they go up to a floor where they can get better guns? like a bridge appears... or a latter is lowered... ... because I don't like the idea of a zombie map where your stuck till your died... i like that fake hope i guess...
O sorry... but ... i was just thinking out loud ... sorry .. .but i can't wait to see what you come up with... you should check up on the temple of doom... it has a cool trap door that would add to your idea probly... Happy Forging...
I posted a new map. What everyone was asking for, more than just one room. It still isn't what I would like it to be, but I'm in such a slump right now. lol So anyways, check it out tell me what you think. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=2628.msg33397#msg33397
Don't forget to put an updated version here when you finish it. I liked the coffin idea so I'm making a map with that, I'll give you the credit for that room. Anyway, good luck on the rest of the map.