I gotta say that is a pretty hilarious comeback lol Anyway I dont know if you had thought of this or not but on alot of Mckey D's they have outdoor "picnic" style tables that you have a choice of eating at, and I thought you might want to put some of those on. I saw a cool way to make those where you put two roadblocks together and put a pallette on top.
Hmmm... i guess even super-soldiers need to eat sometime. better this than some freeze-dried, processed, pasturized and enriched brick of sustenance. Can i get some super-size action with that?
I agree with Sarge. Someone needs to do the arches. Until then, i am not really interested. BUT, this does look well done. Good job.
wow looks pretty good except for the mcdonalds i went to..Oh it was frikken sweet big screen TVs in the bathrooms ahh it was awesome and xboxs and gamecubes and ps2s in the play area
im pretty sure that the whole golden arches thing is an impossible feet that not even the greatest forger can make, so kinda take it down a knotch on him, some details ya cant get in.
Some one should make it so the mcdonalds gets robbed, the robber should be black and the customers should be whatever color but with no weps, but the robber should have a shotgun, after that the robber walks in and yells GIMME ALL THE FU**** CASH NOW! after that the cashier should pull out 2 maulers and the robber starts to say O SH** and in the middle of his sentance the rober gets killd by the casheir! :squirrel_jaffa:
We need to get Coolant to have fun with the map and turn it into a "in the shadows" splintercell type of map lol... but it would be kinda wierd to have a splintercell taking out targets in a McDonalds though
Lol, that would be strange, and spark, ya dont have to be the robber, make someone else be the robber. :squirrel_rubberduck:
you might want to include some lawyers on the defense's side, that mancannon lift in the playhouse looks like it could really hurt some little kid...
lol at turbogerbil. I agree that it needs the arches somewhere to really complete it. A warthog in the drivethru would be good touch as well. But its still a job very well done.
The warthog drivethrough idea reminds me of the red vs blue when they made a mcdonalds in blood gulch. :squirrel_giggle: