Thanks for a good constructive review. 1.The staircase in a previous version was on the ground but their was a ledge at the top of the stairs which ment you had to jump at the top, which put you in the enemy's line of sight. So I had to compromise and make the stairs higher so that when you jumped at least you weren't putting yourself in danger. 2.About the exploding platform, I didn't think about putting bait in until after it was published which I regret. So if I were to make a Version 3. I would either make it so the fusion coils didn't spawn at the beginning so people went up there or as you said add some kind of bait, or for objective games the flag/bomb could possibly be there. 3.The weapon layout is pretty unusual because to be honest I didn't put enough thought into it, mostly because the game types I wanted to use had weapon pick up disabled. For future maps I will definitely arrange weapons a little more strategically.
This map makes it look like its foundry area x 2 haha the map looks bigger then foundry can hold in a good way. Map looks really cool. Downloading
I finally got a chance to look at this in Forge. I definitely like the layout. But the biggest thing that bothered me was how you set each spawn point to a specific team. Why would you bother setting up spawns for 8 teams when you said the map is for 2-10 players? If we're gonna play with 10 players on 8 teams, it might as well be free-for-all. Also, it would get repetitive for each team to repeatedly spawn in their own little corner of the map. Not to mention that it increases the chances of spawn-killing. I'd highly suggest leaving spawns to neutral and then just putting down respawn areas. That way, teams can share respawn points and each team's "area" can be much larger. But I'm interested to see how this map plays. I'll try to get a 2v2 One Flag Fast game on it.
Thanks for taking a look Furious. I put a respawn point for each team because I wanted to map to work for FFA, I'm not sure exactly why I wanted to do this and there was probably a easier way to do it but It was my first proper map. I have added some neutral spawn points but I'm not sure if its worth releasing a new version as I'm working on a different map now. I wouldn't recommend playing one flag to be honest, it isn't great. But I would recommend playing either Team SWAT or some kind or snipers game. Although I think If you played snipers/SWAT CTF it might be pretty good.
4.5/5 very original with clean interlocking and unique architecture. The only neg is a slightly cluttered feel at first glance(if u could control skins this wouldnt be a problem but u cant ).
On this map you have some pretty good aesthetics but the gameplay dragged it down to a decent for me--sorry
i remember seeing this map before, and it is chock full of design and complexity. i played a few rounds of snipers with my friends and it was fantastic! but i had no idea it was primarily designed for swat as well. but i cant download, as i still have it. you made renegade too, right?
Good but you were a little over dramatic on the barriers other than that this map is sweet. I wont DL because I will just end up deleting it because I never play slayer, But I will rate. 4/5