I was inspired by other guides to make my own etc etc etc. After realising how un-detailed Playerhata's guide was I decided to make my own about leveling in team doubles. It's not a definitive guide, just a few tips that should help you level in team doubles. 1. Patience. You should always be patient when playing in team doubles. It is the main basis on how you're going to win. You can't continuously rush in and expect kills, you have to be calm, quite and submissive. By that I mean don't start shooting an oponent as soon as you see him. 2. Level with a partner. It's best to level with a partner who knows how to play and can play to the same ability as you. Also playing with a partner with a skill level much greater than yours, can hugely improve the chances you will level quickly. 3. Do not chase your kills. Chasing your kills is the worst thing you can do in a tight situation. You may not get the kill, but you could walk straight into the enemies team mate. 4. Do not rush straight for the power weapons. Once you have accquired a good position, then you can take the power weapons. Just think, if your on the pit and if a guy comes running out of the sword room with a sword and you went there to get the sword, whats gonna happen. Now if you were standing at top snipe with a BR, he would be dead, and you would have the sword. 5. Do not seperate from your partner. What I mean by this is, stay together, but not too far away. Try to stay relativley close so your partner can come and help you if you're in a bit of trouble and vice versa. 6. Control spawns. You should take some time to go into maps in forge and look at the starting areas, spawn points, starting spawns etc. Also look at weapon spawn time's on maps you play alot. It can make all the difference when your running towards the overshields, but your too late because you forgot. I'll add more tips if I think of any useful ones, but feel free to post your own. Just so you guys know, I have a 49 in doubles =]
This is all good stuff and all makes alot of sense. I've recently been leveling in team doubles to rank up, as me and my friend have become a good enough team to work well. What you said about finding a partner is right on the money too, with only two people you really have to know each other well in gameplay terms, be able to predict how your team mate is gonna act and know that they're gonna back you up in coordinated plays. A guide for dubs is arguably the most important, as it requires the most concentrated and restrained team play, and as you say, patience is the key. If you can wait for them to come to you, then you should, control their movements instead of letting them dictate yours. One suggestion for an addition would be to come up with starting plays for each map in the playlist, or at least the more common ones. Know what you are each going to do straight away whichever side of the map you spawn on. An example would be Epitaph, one of my most hated maps. If you spawn on rocket lift side, one player should grab the Over Shield and go over to rockets, the other should push up the map with them towards shotgun if possible, whilst supporting the OS player if they need it. If you spawn the other side then you both sit at the bubble shield and shoot down the player lifting towards rocket, who hopefully won't have the over shield. One of you then pushes for rockets, whilst the other one can now think about shotgun and camo, or can stop the second opponent pushing. Me and my partner now have pretty solid initial plays on all maps (barring blackout that is...If anyone has a good starting play for this then please let me know, I might start a thread) and it helps so much to establish a good start in a game. It puts you ahead giving you the luxury not having to push them, and means you can pick up a dominant location knowing that you have an edge for a little while at least. If you can control your chosen position(s) well and keep track of powerup/weapon spawns, just as Mortarion says, then you will see the benifits.
Un-deatailed please eleaborate.Mine took very long and I did not define patience seeing that everyone knows that.WTF flame?
No not a flame, you didn't go much into detail with doubles. So I took the time to, no hard feelings.
K thanks.But can you please change that saying I didn't deatil about team doubles I detailed about matchamking in general? Because it looks like your syaing its bad or something. Thanks.
I'd say the key maps for detailing starting strategies would be: Guardian Epitaph (I outlined this one in my post, but you might want to change it if you disagree with any points) Isolation Construct (although starting tactics for this are a little more basic and vague due to its simplicity) Snowbound/HC Snowbound The Pit And any more that people can think of. If you liked my starting strategy for epitaph then I'd be glad to tell you my respective initial plays for each of these maps as well, so you can take what you agree with, if you feel it would be useful
Ok here's a rough guide for Guardian. Spawning at Shotgun If you spawn at the shotgun side, one player rushes to camo, picks up a BR and then goes to the other player. The other player in takes the shotgun, over the lift, throws grenades into s2 and kills the people there. The other player with camo comes over to the player at s2. He should pick up the carbine and replace for the assault rifle. The player with the shotgun, swaps his assault rifle for the sniper rifle, which has either been picked up and left by a dead player or is still in it's spawn place. If all of this goes according to plan, the game can be easilly controlled with a sniper, and shotgun, BR and Carbine all around s2 and s3. And the game can be won easilly with control of spawns. Spawning at Elbow Ok, one player should go to camo through bottom green and take the lift up there. He should proceed to kill the enemy (if any are there) and take the br. The other player should take the sniper at s1 and wait at s3 for his partner, but leave the overshields. In the event that anybody comes from the lift to s2, pick up the overshileds and continue to kill him. Once the other player with camo has the br, he should come through bottom mid, to s1, to s2. The other player should pick up the carbine from s2, and proceed to win the game through the use of controlling the map from s3. Some very important pics. s1 - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/s1.jpg s2 - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/s2.jpg s3 - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/s3.jpg Bottom green to camo - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/greentocamo.jpg Lift to s - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/s3.jpg To camo - http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm149/iTz_CoBrA_v2/tocamo.jpg
Sounds useful. But really, most of it is luck. If you are paired up with some colonels, and your partner is like a lieutenant grade 1 then the opposing team will be laughing. Also, the higher your rank is, the more scared they will be. If you are a general, then they will get off to a very bad start. Scientifically proven in the real world using wrestling. Big muscular guy who cant punch V weed who knows how to fight. Big guy won, when he should have lost.
I'm a 49. I play generals all the time. Infact I got put into a match with 2 UK pro's and I still play the same. It may be for some people, but not for me. And I also play with friends that I know are good, if I make a new account I will only play on my own until around level 40, even level 45.