MLG Concave Created by b1g b0y 2013 Supported Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer MLG Team King MLG Team Multiflag MLG Team Singleflag Map Description: This is supposed to be an MLG map, but I didnt put it on the title because I'm not sure if it is completely MLG worthy. Please tell me if it is though, otherwise the map is symmetrical with a tall tower with three floors, (Only the first one is reachable.) a bridge linking both the blue and red bases, with bridges leading to the other side, and walls covering the crane with a powerup signaling either the blue or red base. On the other side of the tower is a small platform type base which is where the hill is on team king, and there is a two way and one way open single box to get from side to side, and more bridges linking the bases together. in the middle is a mix of walls, trucks, and dumpsters. The only weapons on the map are: Weapon/Amount/Clips/Time Battle Rifle/2/2/10 secs Carbine/2/2/90 secs Mauler/1/2/120 secs Frag Grenades/2/?/30 secs _________________________________________________ The main overview of the map, plenty of interlocking, and some cover. The large tower with three, but only first one is reachable. The small platform base with two way and one way single boxes, and another box near the end to drop down on the mauler. Bridges link together the bases outposts. The main part of the red base, with a bridge leading to the carbine and red outpost. The main part of the blue base, with, like the red base, going up to the blue's carbine and outpost. The red outpost, complete with grenades, and a bridge leading to the platform base. The blue outpost, leads to the platform base and grenades, and also shows a good view of the interlocking meant to keep people IN. The carbine spawn on the bridge top red base side, with a wall guarding it. A mirror image of the blue side. The mighty battle rifle, right next to the towers base and shows the fence wall. And lastly, the mauler situated between the tower and the sunken bridge. right in the middle of the map. _________________________________________________ Oh and sorry about the wierd description on the download, I just find a map I have that is pretty much empty, and then I just save it and dont edit the description. Download MLG Concave Download MLG Team Slayer Download MLG Team King Download MLG Team Slayer
this is a cool map but it isn't my type of map i am sorry but it needs something but i dont know or it might just be me
looks fun i see a decent amount of cover and good weapon placement. a few things are sloppily interlooked but all in all its pretty good
Some spots look really sloppy. You should interlock your bridges into the double boxes to make it better.
looks good thers a good use of differant levels and some good features, some places could b interlocked abit more but has really good idea
Its a little bit to sloppy to be a MLG map, and it looks kinda confusing. Interlocking is a little sloppy, but hey at least you geo-glitched!
nice I like the height that some parts have looks good overall but a little thrown together in some places 7/10
i dont think this map is MLG worthy because a couple placements are a little sloppy but the weapon placements are good for MLG. maybe if it was cleaned up a bit. 3.5/5 by the way can someone tell me how to make my signature bigger i cant figure it out
if you use Imageshack, when you get to the part with the direct url and the image, click the image. It will show it much bigger, then use that direct url. that should help hopefully. By the way, ive already started on my next map. I youve ever played infection fat man on the 3 level stadium type place, youll enjoy my remake of it, with plenty of interlocking, good weapon placement, and best yet, the awesome elevator that I interlocked and made it look nice. the map is about 1/6 done so hope you cant wait!
Sorry dude, but this map doesnt look like itd play well with MLG. Even though it would take away from the Asthetics, taking out the tower in the middle would actually make it more MLGish in my opinion, because it would make the map more open which is what so many people like about Onslaught and Amplified.
looks pretty good, a little sloppy though. make some adjustments like with your interlocking and could be a great map, but probably not mlg worthy