im pretty sure your wrong. mlg players will use the weapons that are in the map regardless. the videos you are watching arent them playing in the official MLG gametypes. triggers down and classic are names of teams not players. the players on td are SK, hysteria, FearItSelf, and SnipeDown. classic is [ask]legendPimps, annt, and Soldier 187, they just dropped their fourth player, naded, because of team chemistry issues.
Incidently does anyone know if legend pimps GT has v3 on the end of it? I think i played with him awhile ago... He definately wasnt using a shotty.Far as i remember he was slaughtering the blues gung-ho with a br and the beam rifle. Meh he didnt do anything spectacular,he was just a decent player.
No, they dont use shotguns they use maulers. They dont use the shotguns because they are way too overpowered. Yes you are right they did use shotguns at one stage in halo 3. That was in v1 of MLG they are now up to V5 also in V1 they used swords. I have seen many MLG videos when they used these. If there is anymore questions about this guide or anything to do with MLG, just ask... I am currently working on another guide that has stuff to do with the geometry of a MLG map.
It doesnt, you were just unfamiliar. Who said that? Should I edit the post and explain drop spawns? or did I cover that enough
THats a really nice noted write up on MLG weapons... once we have bigger maps that are MLG I expect to see if any thing Mongoose added for vehicles... If you don't get what I am mean don't worry about it...this is just a prediction... I kinda miss the old MLG days... before massive weapon reduction...
you probably didnt play with him. there are a lot of people who pretend to be the pros by changing their name slightly MLG maps are usually the smallest maps in the game. they always have been. in Halo:ce it was wizard, chillout, damnation, hang em' high, and beaver creek. in H2 it was battle creek, lock out, midship, worlock, and sanctuary, they also used ascention, and ivory tower before sanc and warlock were part of it. in h3 they use guardian, construct, pit, onslaught, and amp. vehicles take a lot of the precision out of the game, and add randomness to it. it will never happen. drop spawn weapons are in the game because it makes the weapon spawn on a constant timer regardless of when you picked it up. if a drop spawned weapon spawns every 2 minutes. it will spawn at 15:00, 13:00, 11:00 ect. thus making each team aware of its respawn time intead of the team that last picked up the item. that is unless you pick the weapon up before it falls to the ground. then it acts like a non drop spawn weapon. non drop spawn weapons such as camo or OS apwn in two minutes after you pick them up. if you pick up a camo at 14:30, it will repsawn at 12:30, and since only your team knows this, because you know when you picked the weapon up, you will have the advantage when it comes to picking it up again. this doesnt sound like a big deal, but power weapons can turn the tide of a game, and pro teams time there weapons very carefully.
yay I got everything right about my MLG map that im making except the battle rifle and carbine spawn time nice guide!