Tunnel Raid v2 I will try to make this description as detailed as possible. Tunnel Raid v2 is a small symmetrical map that consists of 3 tunnels. The main tunnel in the middle has an upward slope in the middle. Here there is an assualt rifle and 2 plasma grenades in the middle. At either side of this there are two bases, each with either an smg or spiker and a BR. The front tunnel is narrow with almost no cover, just about a third of a fence wall (4 of them). It houses the mauler spawn with fusion coils nearby and a small upward sloping tunnel coming off of it with overshields leading to main tunnel. There are two frags at the base of this. The back tunnel opens to a wider room with a diamond shape in the middle. This room holds an smg and a mauler as well as 2 plasma grenades. Above the back tunnel is a narrow second level which is home to a plasma rifle and two frags. This second level is the main difference between the original and v2. There is also more interlocking. Tunnel Raid v2 is recommended for 1 v 1 or 2 v 2. It supports up to 4 v 4, but even 3 v 3 is pushing the limit of the space. Supported Gametypes: team slayer( or 1v1 slayer) multi flag territories Weapons and equipment: BR x2 --45 sec respawn smg x2 --30 sec brute spiker x2 --30 sec plasma rifle x1 --30 sec mauler x1 --90 sec assualt rifle x1 --30 sec oversheilds x1 --120 sec flare x1 --60 sec trip mine x2-- 60 sec plasma grenade x4 --30 sec frag x4 --30 sec download here Pictures diagram one of the bases middle of main tunnel front tunnel [ overshields and mauler back tunnel top level above back tunnel getting up to top tunnel you can shoot into top tunnel, or below it if you are in it have fun thanks to DimmestBread for helping to test this map and giving me advice
HAHA my version is still farther ahead then yours. MUAHAHAHAHA. anyway about the map. some of the spots look a litle sloppy and it dosen't have really of a base like the first tunnel raid. This isnt really a tunnel raid other then the tunnels. more like hallways or somthing. im not saying thats bad. its actually pretty good
Eh, I see some great interlocking in sections but I also see some cracks here and there. I love the brs on the walls, always a nice aesthetic touch. However, from the layout it looks like the mauler and os are extremely close to each other. All in all, it looks great. All I can suggest is to clean up the cracks with some minor interlocking and maybe switch up the weapon list, no one likes flares :/. Good luck!
your version of what? this is just an improvement of my first map called tunnel raid. im just not very creative in names. its not based off any map besides my original one.
i love this map it looks big from all of these pics and the mauler respawn part looks really cool i dont know what the first post means by it is sloppy which pic is it in
looks really cool! I like the complexity of this map. Next time however i suggest to flip your bridges to give a cleaner look and feel to the map. Other than that the map looks great. Nice work!
Haha. Woody, I told you to remove the flare. oh well. The overshield and mauler are very close but they are usually off spawn with each other, because one spawns twice as fast as the other. Usually, only one is there at a time. But nice map woody. You should geomerge the double boxes and open ones into the ground so there are no bumps and grenades can't get caught underneath.
i could switch the flare with a radar jammer. and i wanted to fix the cracks but i didnt have any budget to put something between and interlocking the exhisting objects would have thrown off the whole map
Wow! A few months ago someone released a tunnel raid and I told them to stop making tunnel raids... Man but this totally changes everything I said! It looks amazing but slight things could be changed like turning the bridges upside down but other than that it is amazing!
looks pretty good. I see some very good interlocking like the walls for example. But i do see some spots that need improvement from the sloppyness. Hopefully in the V3 you will fix that. Other than that looks ok. i will give it a 4/5.
this map looks awesome im downloading, i like the kind of maps you make, how thered closed in and such