Dark Avalanche Map For Infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plyc, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    Anyone know of a good combination of FX that will give a good dark map on avalanche? Normally on other DLC maps it's easy to do because there isn't like a gigantic shadow covering half the map, which is the case in avalanche.

    I tried Gloomy, Juicy and Old Timey. It was okay at the unshadowed half, but at the half covered by the mountain's shadow, most of it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing... :squirrel_evil:

    Then next I tried Gloomy and Juicy. I just darkened normal avalanche a little and made the textures of objects more visible. Too bright for what I want.:squirrel_eyebrow:

    After that I tried Gloomy, Juicy and Colourblind. It was okay for the shadowed half but at the unshadowed half, the sky looked like a gigantic storm was about to happen but the ground was glaringly bright. :mad:

    Then I tried Gloomy and Colourblind. It FAILED... It was just a darker version of Colourblind, objects all black and white and grey.

    Lastly, I tried Juicy and Colourblind. Out of all of them, it was a closest to what I wanted, however far it still is. Anyway, its the same thing over again, the unshadowed half was just too bright for my liking...

    Okay then, now you know the situation I'm in, would you PL0x H31P M3, especially those that are experts in this field.

    Thanks in advace.
  2. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    Sorry. Your options where what you used, and they weren't what you were looking for. The only way to buff up a map just how you want it is through modding, and although I think that the single-player mods were ok, since the halo 2 matchmaking mods started, it got a black name from all the sufferers. Plus it's insta-ban. In a package, it's a lose lose situation. Sorry.
  3. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    I don't get what your first sentence means. Anyway, I'm not asking for mods, I'm asking if anyone knows a good combination to use to make a dark map.
  4. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I think best is Juicy,Gloomy,Old Time or Juicy,Gloomy,ColorBlind, Old Time.
  5. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    Is it posible to exclude gloomy, because from what I see, it makes dark areas darker and those that are pure white even brighter.
  6. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    Well i had a map on blackout that had juicy colorblind and old timey. It made it pretty much pitch black. (pretty fun zombie map)
  7. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Well you don't have to do everything I say, just test it out for yourself man. If you want certain spots no as dark as others just take one fx away.

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