This may be hard to explain, but I have recently discovered a way to evenly measure a double box into the ground so then you can use a bridge to connect the double box and the banister together without the double box being higher or lower (if attempted at fusing it into the ground) than the banister, I have made a guide to help make this. Using this effectivally could come up with unique maps, one that I am coming up with as we speak Ok to start things off, we all know to forcing objects into the ground trick right? Well, the hard part is getting a double box into the ground at just the right amount, well, I figured out how to make it at the exact height that the banisters that are immobile are. first we need a double box to compare sizes, see how the double box is slightly higer than the banister? Well, we will be using a double box about 2 double boxes away from the banister, so this should help: Ok, now to mesure the height of how much we will sink the box, here it shows that the double box is one wall and one fence wall (one wall and a half) higher than the banister, by measuring this, I can now walk on the fencewall and to double box smoothly. Since this involves the door trick I have now placed "braces" around the double box and yes, double walls work as braces to. Ok, so now lay a double wall over the box you are going to sink into the ground and place doors on to it: Delete the double wall and now grab the box until you get it the way you want it thanks to the door trick the box will straighten out and be forced into the ground eventually Now as you can see in this picture the fence wall is a little lower than the double box, this means we have sunk the box into the gorund about a fencewall and half a fencewall remember how I said that it will take a fence wall and a wall? consider that as the number 1.50, the fencwall is .50 while the wall is 1. we have fused the double box about .75 way into the ground. which means now we have to do this one more time Now this will involve the interlocking trick set a few braces to "place at start: no" and place the double wall on top of the double box, wait for the braces to spawn and set the place at start back to yes. you should end up closly related to this: Place doors on top once again: Now delete the wall, grab the box until you get it exactly the way you want it. Now to see if you like it, check to make sure by setting a few braces to "place at start: no" If you do like it the way it is, congratz you now have a perfectly alligned double box with the banister! now, I am going to use this to help make a "Search and Destroy" type map so no copying please! Thanks to Mallet for helping me with the screenshots!
your images arent embedded, and also, can i feature this guide HERE please PM me with your answer thanks! nice guide BTW!!!
Man you made a mess of the bbcodes lol. I've fixed them as best as I could, some things may not be as you intended.
I couldn't come up with anything, although it is confusing the pics help people would mistaken it if I called it a platform and yes I do know what a banister is