This is my newest map, it's just basically based off a design I thought would benefit FFA a lot, and I wanted to try my luck with a Symmetrical map since I've only done Asymmetry in the past. Important stuff to note: Team Version of Crucify 1 Rocket 1 Sniper (SPAWNS 2 1/2 MINUTES INTO GAME) 1 Mauler 1 Overshield (SPAWNS 2 MINUTES INTO GAME) 4 BRs 2 Carbines 4 Frags 4 Plasma Nades FFA Version of Crucify 1 Overshield (SPAWNS 2 MINUTES INTO GAME. LOCATION IS CHANGED TO MIDDLE OF MAP FOR FFA) 1 Mauler (LOCATION CHANGED TO ROCKET LOCATION FOR FFA VERSION) 4 BRs 4 Carbines 4 Frags 4 Plasma All weapon timers are set to MLG standard, except when noted. Obviously you'll notice that I have some items not spawning until a few minutes into the game. This was done to balance initial spawns. It's basically needed for this map because it lacks bases, and there is no other obvious solution. Each power weapon on the map has a cubby in it's own area of the map. I wanted to keep the power weapons as far away from the middle of the map as possible, so that movement was absolutely necessary to win. I have two cubby pictures, the rockets cubby is the same There are 3 Rooms to Crucify, not including the middle structure which is a part of all three. Long Hall, and Red and Yellow rooms. Pictured below is red room. This is the "long hall". I know how much everyone s long distance , so I used a raised middle to prevent across map . Now everything should be in the middle range as far as distances go. It's called Crucify because from above it appears to be a cross with the ends split. Download FFA- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Default Team Version- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy everyone!
Looks pretty fun! I like the name because it reminds me of an inside joke my friends and I have... you should really try interlocking EVERYTHING on the map because the bridges on top would definetly look better if they were interlocked...
This looks like a well built map that would be good for FFA and CTF. I like how there are so many path ways to and from each base. And I personally see no reason why the bridges on top have to be interlocked (i don't even think it's a reachable part of the map, just a roof). Good Job!
Nuckin fice! Your interlocking is great to the smallest detail, and the map is very playable and competative. 5/5.
....... i can't think of anything to say so here it goes (takes a deep breath) PIE!!!.As for the map looks cool and i'll try it out.
I like it how you make the power weapon and the oversheild spawn later so noobs dont rush for it, great thinking, looks like a good map, 5/5
I like the map and i give it 5/5. Alothough you should flip the bridges to make a smoother surface. Just a suggestion. Besides that l love the map and it,s originality. Check out my map here ODINS EYE
Very nice interlocking. The game play on both versions sounds fun and interesting! Please download my map! Click here! Or for presentation first! Click here!
Question Ok, I'm confused. This map was created by Azazel, who's a regular member of another forum that I frequent. The link you have set up to this goes right to his fileshare, which is fine. I'm pretty sure that Azazel doesn't post here at all, and looking at your other map that's posted in your sig leads to a different bnet profile alltogether. What gives?
Then you shouldn't pass it off as your map, which you have clearly have done. I'm quite sure Azazel wouldn't appreciate that.
This map is actually very cool. Everything is very straight and the spots that are interlocked are nearly perfect (a few spots could be a little straighter). The little room at the center of the cross is a very useful and functional shortcut to get wherever you need to go and it looks like there could be a lot of fighting over control of it. A few things, the carbines and plasma grenades are in really wierd hard-to-reach spots. It would be cool if you could get to parts of the top of the map somehow and utilize a sniper rifle or maybe open up parts inside as tunnels idk, it sometimes feels like it's just a big in the way structure (don't get me wrong it looks great). Also, i don't know if your spawn set up works well and it doesn't seem to be set up for 3 team slayer or ctf or assault. It could use a lot more spawn points to prevent any spawn camping. 3/5 but it could easily go up with some small improvements. There is a lot of potential in this map. Whoever originally made it... Killnon, you need to give the original creator more credit. This post made me think that you actually created it.
great map looks great, but why is it in the minigame section???????? scratch that last comment i clicked a link sorry! ^_^