Download Game and Map Variants: Skullball is Halo 3's Revolutionary sport. It has tournaments, teams, and alot of fun. \ Everyone has Energy Swords, and play in an enclosed, rectangular arena. Both teams rush for the skull, and hold it. There are 3 rounds of wich a team has to get 50 points, or have the highest points when the 5 minuets runs out. The person holding the skull moves at 125% speed, and does 50% damage. Ill sum everything up in a list - Two teams of 4 - Energy Swords - Arena - 50 Points to win a round - 5 Minuets per round - 3 rounds - Ball Carrier moves faster but does less damage To play, download the game and map variants from Visit to enter Tournaments, and join teams! This is the first place im advertising Skullball. It would be great if you all told your friends! Happy Skulling!
Looks pretty cool, an Oddball version of Grifball. However, its not very unique. I don't see any groundbreaking new material here, nor do I see any really special forging. Its not bad, but not fabulous (HAYYYYYY).
Alot of people say that, and i had this idea before Griffball came out. I just didnt think it would do that well. Then i saw how good Griffball did, so i put it up!
yeah thats what i was thinking. but i like that you used oddball to mix it up. also the map/arena itself looks well made. good job
there is no problem with spawn killing, unless your extremly super un-lucky. Ive arranged the spawn points so you spawn in the furthest spawn point from enemys.
Seems like a nice twist on grifball. You obviously need some good defense, as well. 5/5. Oh, and there is no way I'm telling all my friends.
huh looks cool but i don't think i will join anything though. too bad you didn't come up with this on your own. = (
NO IT ISNT!!!!! Read before you post! I had this idea before griffball was there, i just didnt think that it would do that well. Then i saw how good griffball did and i decided to put it up! And even if i didnt think of it before, Theres a big differance. Its Oddball, smaller arena, and you use swords.
Spawn killing was an issue on Grifball aswell though. And Betraying.... Looks like a good little map.
May the wewtage be with you? Looks like a fairly fun/unoriginal map. Maybe you should give the arena two levels, that'd rock!
please check your facts - Grifball was 'invented' before Foundry was publicly released so it would be impossible for you to have invented this game first - i even have a copy of the original map the RvB guys (Burnie) made with their pre-release copy of Foundry, with the single level wall you can jump over, and the hole in it you can walk through i am not saying that your game is not good, nor that your map is not good, i am sure it is - it's just that you can't go around making unsubstantiated statements like that
Teamkilling is only and issue on Griffball because of the Grav Hammers, Skullball only uses Swords. And besides that, friendly fire isn't on. So you cant teamkill. Spawnkilling is not an Issue, because you spawn at the furthest spawnpoint from an Enemy. Spawnkilling can still happen, but its highly unlikely and it does not happen as much as on Griffball.