well please go forth and tell me if its not too big of a deal, i would love to know what i could have done better for future reference it would benefit me greatly =]
hey, i just got your message i heard you guys played this at the fnf, did you win also, i just played a round of this with my collage buddies and they said that some of the spawns were to close together, specifically the nuetral ones in the middle. hope this helped some thanks bye
yes we did play this at the fnf You will have to see for yourself who won Haha and I'll look into the nuetral spawn issues Thanks
well thanks i made this map only because i wanted to see how good of a map i can make, gameplay wise, and really see if people liked doing more than looking at the map, but actually playing the map.
wow, this is the first map i came to here on forgehub i cant beleive you guys are so good im filled with questions right now, but im gonna take a look around before i start asking =] this looks like a fantastic map with a ton of cool features, and outstanding gameplay. im going to download this right away and check it out. ill get back to ya, dont worry
well welcome to forgehub ask anyone of our members and hey will hopefully welcome you with open arms =] make sure you take a look at the forging 101 section for all the forging tricks, and that should help you out a lot then if you have any specific questions about my map, send me a message
looks amazing!! Very nice work. I like it alot its complexity is mindblowing and the merging is flawless. Nice work.!
bloodfire, i guess you like commenting on the same map twice? haha i appreiciate it though although im a little bit confused of it being amazing, but yet you dont even remember already posting oh well
ok after playing a game of capture the flag: hectic, fastpaced, but fun intresting strategy involved rockets were dominating the switch actually killed some one, however he was partly hurt everything was smooth and nice after playing a game of team slayer: The back part of the map went pretty much not used, maybe a weapon like the needler could be back there instead of in front of the mancannons? The middle was hectic and the fuision coils along the hexagon shape prevented people from intruding too far into your spawn the mancannon lift was extremly helpful when you had close to no sheild, as you said in the first post. the sniper was dominating if you went over by the geomerged single box, with the spike grenades in it. this was probably because once the other team got past the half way point, you could just pick em off. Overall, a very fun exciting game, everytime, no matter what. this is due to an excellent layout, and exciting features, such as the mancannon lift. everything was smooth, and i never had any trouble getting that last headshot, because of a bump on the map. my rating: 5/5 great job
looks like a decent map but it is messy so you need to clean it up a bit also you used to many teleporters and power ups as scenery
@ heykid thank you for the long, helpful response. i really apprieciate you taking the time to tell me just excactly went wrong in some parts of the map, and what i did right. @camo do you mind telling me exactly what is sloppy, because that is the first response yet, saying that it is. Also what is wrong with using teleporters as arrows, and custom powerups as decoration. i dont see anything wrong with that. @alex thank you, that really means a lot @Saint Why in the world you just left a three word (well technically two) response, ill never know. but four stars out of five, ill take it
Cool map, I like the switch idea. Also it looks nice, I like the man cannon thing it is funny to think about. For now I say 5/5 when I am done playing it I will give you a real rating.
well it might be the picks but the middle of the map looks weird also that fence wall at the top is slanted i dunno if you meant it like that but it is. its not a bad map tho. 4/5
the slanted fence wall: that is where you come out of the mancannon lift the fencewall is what makes you go out onto the sniper platform
Alright, I finally had a chance to do a more thorough forgethrough on this map recently. No games yet, but hopefully soon. I like the layout. You've managed to separate foundry and make it seem larger than it is, which is always an accomplishment. And the map has well defined areas where people of different play-styles will like to hang out. And the amount of cover seems well planned and appropriate. More importantly, I like your use of path sacrifices, by which I mean that you're more exposed, or take longer to get somewhere if you want the power weapons or high ground control. The entrances to the bunkers on either side are good examples of this. Also, I really like the flame-grenade spawns. The man-cannons to sniper tower are a good idea (something I might put in one of my maps), but I don't think everyone will like the dynamic they provide. There are a few places where I would have liked to see more rigorous interlocking, but the only place where it really matters for me is in the back-side where you have the jump over the wall. I kept bumping my head and flying to the side. A quicker fix would be to move the jump objects (doors, I thought) to the other side where there'll be less head-space interference. Overall, great competitive map. Glad I could help you out a bit during the building process.
First off, thanks again for everything you did to help me, i greatly apprieciate it. I agree with all the things you said, because i planned it just to do those things. for example, the doors that you have to crouch under to get to rockets, is a sacrifice. taking the flag the back way is a sacrifice of time. taking the flag through the middle is a sacrifice of safety. you hit the nail on the head on that one. as for you bumping your head on the vertical double wall, the doors are placed there because the wall corner just isnt long enough to cover the width of the gap, so i had to imprivise, rather than changing my whole map. The doors are originally not there for you to jump on, although that is a good thought, they are just there to fill the gap between the end of the wall corner, and the double boxes. maybe i should have interlocked another double wall, into the previous double wall, to make just a long vertical double wall, stretching from the ground and up to the switch mechanism. well unfortunatly i am too far into the process to fix that error, which was a reletively big one =/ but once again thanks, and it may not seemed like you helped a lot, but beleive me you did.
looks pretty good, a great idea and layout, the interlocking and geomerging is amazing and is a nice touch, there are cool features and looks really fun good job, im not sure fire grenades are a good idea and you could make a real lift but inall looks gd well done