
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by STEClash96, Jul 18, 2008.


Do you think my map is good?

  1. Terrible

    2 vote(s)
  2. Bad

    0 vote(s)
  3. Ok

    2 vote(s)
  4. Good

    4 vote(s)
  5. Exellent

    2 vote(s)
  1. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, this is my 2nd post here on forgehub as my first was'nt that good.
    Its called Insecure, a map for all team gametypes. There is a red base and blue base, They are both symmetrical, I recommend maybe 4-10 players even though on my fileshare it says 6-12 but that is what I wrote first.
    The map took me 11 hours to make, but at the end my friend Da Pig 117 came because I was having some small problems. This is a medium sized map that takes up possibly 2/3 of Foundry, the other parts are blocked off. I have put down more Defensive Objects in my new version Insecure V1.1 and I have fixed the bump where the Grav lift is! Every one These are the old Pictures of the map but In the cornors of the maps and around them I have put down More defensive objests (Crates, Wire Spool) And I have put down more spawn points.

    When the war started between The Covenant and Earth, civilians were sent into warehouses for safety as their houses were being used as HQ's
    for the military. So while they were in the warehouses they started to build a small social area which soon turned into a Warzone. Enjoy the map and feed back would be Great! Thanks!

    1x Beam rifle, 180 sec
    1x Energy Sword, 180 sec Asymmetric
    8x BR's 2 clips, 45 sec ( some have different symmetry)
    3x AR 2 clips, 30 sec
    2x Needlers 1 clip, 45 sec
    2x SMG 2 clips, 45 sec
    2x plasma pistol,30 sec
    3x Brute Shot 1 clip 45 sec (some have Different symmetry)
    1x rocket launcher 0 clips,180 sec symmetric
    3x spiker,2 clips 30 sec
    2x Magnum 2 clip 30 sec
    4x plasma rifle, 45 sec, Asymetric
    2x cov. Carbine 2 clips 30 sec
    1x Machine Gun turret, 180 sec

    1x Ghost, 180 sec

    1x Active Camo, asymmetric, 180 sec
    1x flare, 60 sec
    1x regenerator, 90 sec
    2x Bubble shield, 60 sec
    1x Grav lift 60 sec
    1x radar jammer 60 sec
    10x frag nades 10 sec
    10x plasma nades 10 sec
    10x spike nades 10 sec
    1x firebomb nade 20 sec















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    #1 STEClash96, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a nice competetive map with good interlocking and go-merging! nice job! 4/5 for little cover
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is the average 4 bases, island in middle map...add some crazy new thing smoeone hasent seen, and itll be a 5/5, because seeing as this has been done a bunch before, this doesnt look too bad....3/5

    EDIT: 4/5 cuz of the NICENESS of the bases!
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually I got the Idea from my head and thats not a island in the middle its where the beam rifle is ( i put in the beam rifle because ppl dont use it that much) and the base took like an hour each to get perfect but thatnks for the 4/5.!!
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, nice map i like the interlocking and geomerging.
    One question how do you get on the roofs of the bases?
    4/5 good job
  6. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Theres fence walls merged in on each pillar D/L and u will see how it works but the one where the 2 bridges are, theres a grav lift near by
    #6 STEClash96, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  7. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMFG i messed up some things on the description! the 4 plasma rifles are asymmetric.
    the 2 needlers have 2 clips, the rocket launcher is symmetric has 1 clip and has 180 sec, , we were playing team slayer and thers 2 small barriers about 3 feet away from each base but their asymmetric, and the most important thing is im the Elite with the Beam rifle in the 4th picture!!
    And to get to the machine gun turret, I merged a teleporter in each door at each base just walk into it and ur in the highest place on the map
    #7 STEClash96, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  8. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even though the whole warehouse/warzone theme has been done a thousand times (idk just guessing) this has been one of the better ones. Your two bases are put together nicely, you have a good weapon set, and you have sufficent cover around the map. Can't wait to see your next forgerific creation (=
  9. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank u and more maps are on the way!! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! P.S For MLG Fans there is a MLG version being posted soon!! So u dont have to write anything!!
    #9 STEClash96, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  10. UGA ROCK

    UGA ROCK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good job interlocking and I like the island thingy nice design on how to get up etc. I do agree with sdrakulich because nothing else is very unique, but props for how neat and clean it is! 4/5
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow looks very nicely made! Great job on the post as well! The only thing I would suggest is that the semi middle part on both sides look a bit empty... I would play around with placing different objects... But anyways great job and can't wait to see more from you in the future!
  12. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    xlent interlocking!!!!! 4.9/5. the only thing bad is that there is too many power weapons. that doesnt bother some people,or me, but some may think its a hard map to play on w/ noobs
  13. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    I guess it would be to much to ask for a little more structure... but looks very competitive. Though it seems very open.
  14. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    i like the idea you got going here, however... it could definitely use some fixing up. in the 5th and 6th pic that wall could've been merged for a smooth walk instead of just putting a fence wall there. also, the map is missing something. it seems kinda blant because theres some open areas and nothing really sticks out. you should definitely put some more thought into this map and you could make a v2 or a better map based of this one.
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Too much open land, people attacking would be slaughtered from above, simply because it is difficult to kill people above you. And all there is are islands, no actual terrain, great job though as your second thread on forgehub.
  16. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks ok but you need to interlock the ramps it just creates an annoying bump in your map
  17. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Ok I have done some editing on the mapand its now called Insecure V1.1
  18. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks very cool! I like neutral turrets. They allways spice up gameplay. It looks like you put a ton of time in to this one. Very nice overall feel accept it seem alittle open. You might for next time want to maybe just merge a box up-side down into the ground on both sides to provide a little extra cover from the turret.
  19. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tryed to geo merge for the centre piece but It just kept on coming out slanted
  20. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty cool, a gd layout and a good idea, i like hoe you interlocked walls on their side so that you can jump up on the boxes but it would hav been the same if you geomerged it, the bases look good and looks detailed gd job

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