Power Supply is a map that has a giant hologram in the middle with one side that has two projectors that make the hologram. the other side has a generator in it the gives power to the projectors on the other side. The hologram is made out of shield door so shooting poeple on the other side of the map is a little difficult. 4-10 Players. Slayer games only(Slayer, Juggernuat, V.I.P.).Power Weapons: 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 1 Rocket. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ----------------------------------------------------------- Overveiw Projector Side Generator Side Sniper Tower
Sorry but this map really isn't doing much of anything for me... I don't like the general openness of the map, I don't know what that the sheild doors really help gameplay, and overall it just looks kind of amutuerish. Sorry no DL here 2.5/5.
I don't see the point in this map and I don't see anything special either, srry, but the map seems dead for popularity.
good try dude but way to open and simple add more or make it look really good and add it to aesthetic maps