No, he is right. They may be 'hits' but putting them in packs make them seem far less important then single featured maps. The reason this is bad is because the majority of featured maps are overly interlocked competitive maps. So guess what that does, it makes all the new forgers think: "omgz if i mak inarlocked competativ map i get fetured!", just look at the map section. All the Casual, Race, mini-game, and Aesthetic maps combined don't even come close to how many Competitive maps have been made. It's sickening. I don't think you get to call when the conversation is over, sorry. But the thing is, mini games are what ForgeHub was about. This site was built on mini games, and they will continue to be what makes custom games fun for many of us.
that image you posted only further proves my point, so thanks. Its clear that competitive maps are far more popular than the rest combined, thats why they get the individual features. once again asper, if you have a problem with the way the system works, speak up and be active in the system, instead of just whining randomly in threads whenever you feel like backing your buddy up
I think Custom gaming is what makes halo fun for me... and I am a big fan of team games... even if they aren't MLG any more... And for a note to all kids reading this... Forge what you want... Don't think about feature..don't think about Rep.. make maps you enjoy... FINIAL LINE... Now that I have finished talking to TV land... Asper and Chipsinabox I think its easier to appeal to a group with three mini games as to 1, and with Maps most of the time they are featured on game play style ..and Geo/ Interlocking and look... I mean with most mini games you have to either play it to understand the game play fully ..or one picture can cover it... and Wasn't it TDF that set up Mini games to be featured as sets of 3's ? As an ending note I agree with Lights this isn't' the section to bash maps nor suggest a change in how FH works... So this should end... here... Make a topic else where if you need to..but this topic is about these 3 mini games...
Exactly, That's the problem. Did you read what I said? It's popular because it's the easiest thing to forge, it takes almost no creativity, and they're featured far more often then any other kind of map. It's like an easy feature: Just sit there and interlock every thing into the ground, and you're sure to get it recognized. Sorry, my life doesn't revolve around Halo, I get tired of hearing about it all the time. If I wanted to do that kind of work then I would have signed up for Journalist, or event staff. Any way I'm too busy doing this cool thing called 'Moderating' to worry too much about features, you should try it some time. I just wanted to give my opinion on this issue. I'm done voicing my opinion now, feel free to whine about it.
Wasn't the arena one already featured? Or did you just play on it in a humpday? Idk but I've seen it on the front page before.
I like the maps on here, all of them are excellent. They look beautiful They play great I'm glad we are finally bringing back mini-games, they are sometimes the most fun part of Halo 3. I actually prefer a good mini-game over slayer, since people are generally happier and have more fun. Even if you lose you win!
Cosmic Rick had a Teamwerks tournament which was talked about on the front page recently. I'm glad the map got featured though as its drawn attention back to it, I must admit I kinda assumed it had already been featured.
I'm really not surprised that a mini game pack came out, (read TDF's post about mini games) but I knew Epicenter would get a feature, I mean, it's a mini game that is interlocked to perfection, and a very clean setup same with ghostbusters, and teamwerks, really, do I really have to say anything, I mean it's a big n00b combo! and all were executed perfectly Congrads on having all your maps featured Matty, and also to GraveDigger and Cosmic Rick too
this idea is genius. the game is really fun and definitely original. there's no discrepencies with the forging and neatness. The overall map is really simple. i love the idea and to be honest i think expanding on the idea could make an ever better game.
i never really thought that epicenter was a minigame and i thought that its really fun to play but hard at the same time. and i hope to play some of these in TGIF soon. im glad that teamworks areana was featured it is really fun to play and the amount of teamwork it takes to kill a guy. id say this is a pretty fun minigame map pack.