
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I Ninja Wolf I, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. I Ninja Wolf I

    I Ninja Wolf I Ancient
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    Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    "90% Interlocked, This map takes my lead. 8 - 16 players recommended"

    Time taken: 2 hours
    screw-ups: ALOT
    Gametypes covered: 4
    Screenshots: 6

    that's just a quick idea of what it took to make. Note that I'm not a complete professional and have screw ups on the map. But as far as I've tested, the games go fine. everything is neat and smooth do to 90% interlocking, I've also used every technique I can use there besides the underground glitch. There are at least 5 teleporters, 4 going a certain direction and one sending you random places.

    here's a quick understanding:

    CTF: Attackers spawn on the left side of the map while Defenders spawn on the right side. The flag spawn placements are inside each spawn area ( base ), While the flag return spawns are placed above the middle of the map. It is required to have flag carrier 100% gravity.

    Slayer: Need I even explain? it's the exact same team spawns, but FFA works too. I've spread spawn points all across the map.

    Oddball: Oddball I did not make a team spawn for, but if you want to do team Oddball feel free to put placements wherever wanted.

    Assault: much like the regular assault game on Foundry, the spawns and returns of the bomb ( and teams ) are both placed within the bases.


    A view from above the middle of the base, you can see a piece of my "Steel Train" ( inspired from Terminal ) and all the long hard interlocking.




    Another view of the middle, but of me ( pretending ) to defend the mid. here you can see the top of the base and the interlocked track ( the thing below with fence walls )



    What more to say but..... KABLAM


    A picture of attackers base. ( both bases have equally sized and shaped platforms. )


    A pic of the tunnels. the one I'm in is attackers, but in the distance you can see the defenders.

    Please Download and rate. I enjoy critique because it helps me see flaws so I would love to see anything that could improve.


    Requested Action Screenshots




    #1 I Ninja Wolf I, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  2. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    From the screenshots you've given the only thing i see you can do is interlock the row of fence walls. Just to make it that one more tad more professional. It's the situation where you have your design worked out beautifully, and you add one more little line and it looks platinum. Do that to your halo map.

    Take some action screenshots, tell us more about gameplay, what weapons are there ect. then this map may reach the possibility of becoming featured. Happy forging!
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    It looks like you have good enough forging skills to make a good map, but this really doesn't make sense to me. The map itself is a structure that really doesn't have a strategic layout. There's no cover. Very random.
  4. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whats with the click this you might be dumb? Anyways also the soccerball? Is it really nesicariy? . I like the layout some what.
    Blaze likes this.
  5. zombiphobia

    zombiphobia Ancient
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    it looks kind of sloppy, sorry but i dont really like it no offense
  6. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    i don't really know what to say i'm sorry but it doesn't really look like a railroad it is a little messy doesn't look too good for gamplay and i wouldn't have used all of foundry for that but i'll still try it out (maybe take a little longer on it)

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