Congrats on the feature Debo, its very well deserved. I hope to see more sexy maps from you in the future.
Looks really cool, almost like another level to blackout.Seems like a really good map for infection... 5/5
this looks great and you can tell the amount of time an thought that went into its construction not many maps have that but then again not many maps get featured i give it 5.5/5
No surprise here - very well done, expert airborne interlocking, and a map with numerous power weapons that actually is balanced. Very deserving of this feature.
i remamber this map when it came out. back then it looked very good. i thought it might get featured. this is one of the best maps, in my opinion, on blackout. good job debo!
this is a cool map but the pics for me dont show enough and also i think this would be a brill team game well done
this map looks great i like the interlocking and how flat and staight everything is. how does the shield door catapult you up?
I was the third person to download the map when it came out!!! It is great for infection. I put eighteen people on this map and it was insane, but very well balanced. 5 sets of Recon out of 5. WOOH!
this looks very well done a very good map on blackout htat doesnt even use blackout lol 5/5+dl congrats on the feature
yo dude this looks like a really sweet map i don't really know how you got to get the whole map out of the map without having everyone killed by the guardians when you stand there for a while cuz i was doing the same basic thing on avalanche and couldn't stop the people from dying when they were on the map part. send me a msg if you want to on how you got that thing done. thanx great map.
i never saw this map before but it sure sounds good and i cant wait to play it in TGIF i really like how well its interlocked and i can tell that he spent a lot of time on it because it takes a lot of time to save and quit. very nice job on the map.
lol that is awesome. i have seen maps like this, but not as good as this one. it basically begs the question, "Who needs Default Blackout, anyway?"