Hey thats ok mate. to be honest i hadnt thought a game variant was meeded please feel free to create one if you like. many thanks
This looks pretty good, I have not seen small and enclosed competitive maps like these in a while. You got my download.
hey man nice map! this just shows how far it's been since people thought Gradient was a master piece and only Mallet could make foundry hills. but now it's very common among maps, and i like that. your map has a really unique feel to it from those 3 pictures so i will DL to get a better look. nice work man EDIT: ok, haven't played it yet, but i did just do a forgethrough. bad news... i found a couple bad things about the map. First off, it's very easy to escape without even using grenade jump. right by the crane and the camo, you just jump up there, then on the fusion coils, then a crouch jump up to the top box. Second: i like how you balanced all the weapons and equipment on the map, however, your spawn times on all of the power weapons and camo/ overshield are 30 seconds, that is a VERY fast respawn time. you'll get some pretty crazy. maybe unfair, and maybe kinda stupid gameplay. if you want it to be a little more competitive, jack up those respawn times. thats all so far, if i find some more stuff i'll come back
This map was made long before the Unlimited money glitch was discovered. i have thought about remaking it since but i dont think it would be the same. One day i might create a new map in honour of this one.
looking really gd, some cool features and a great layout, looks well forged so ill giv it a review sometime gd job
Hi ive played this game now. i think this is my favourite out of all your maps on forgehub. wepaon placement is excellent, the interlocking is awesome and the fact it has been done on the unlimited budget is amazing. well done mate
wow one thing. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT. The interlocking is great and the gameplay would just be great. Also looks like a really good 1v1 map or 2v2. Great Job! Keep posting maps i want more! : ) 5/5
I think the large winding hill idea is a failure but apart from that looks alright, could have been a bit bigger.
The large winding hill idea is unique, not a failure. the map is smallish because it was made beofre the unlimited budget glitch was invented. How many other pre-glitch maps have this sort of quality? cheers for comments
this looks really good. im a bit unsure about a map that hasnt used the unlimited budget litch but we will see. interlocking looks pristine. nice work!
from what i can see, it looks very clean and fun to play get a few more pictures and this will be great
Why are you unsure about a map that hasn't used unlimited money. It can still be good, great or the best. Unlimited money just help people, its not a requirement for a good map. Anyway, great map, really clean interlocking. But to me it seems there are to many weapons on such a small map. Maybe they even each other out, I dunno know. Also please provide more pics as I can only see one part of the map. It doesn't matter for me right now since Im downloading. Anyway, great map, good job. EDIT: I looked at it in forge mode, and was impressed. It bigger than it seems in the pics and there are nice touches. I might suggest putting in another way into the defenders spawn as the turret can easily guard it. Just a though but besides that its a great map.
you could use some more pictures, I don't really understand if that's all that's in the map or if there's some other stuff not in the pictures.. but the interlocking I saw looked pretty good so I'll try it.
Like the map! Doesn't feel like Foundry. It would be cool to have more pics though. I'll dl and get back to you.
the map looks very small. doesnt resemble much of a valley but i guess you interlocked stuff really well. good job. 4/5 for it being small. and you should get more pictures.