Hey guys im a long time forger but first time poster so bare with me please. Zone 67 is a unique remake of foundry ideally set up for 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. its is a small slayer type map that encorporates walls, boxes and brdges to create a nice sloping hill effect. About 90% of the map is interlocked. To Download Zone 67 go here - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
hey man, i no your new but you just better read the map posting standards and fix this post up a a little.
OMG dude that is awesome! The interlocking must have taken ages. But you have to embed your pics. Code: (without the spaces) Basically you copy and paste the line that says that OR you can copy and paste the url that DOESN'T have at either end and put [IMG] in yourself. Remember: [img]url.toyour.website[[B]/[/B]IMG]. Also try to add a weapons list and make the description longer I will download your map anyway because it is awesome. 5/5
no it is good i like the map it is good but next time do this when posting a map 1)take pics on halo 3 2)go on to bungie.net and then save the pics 3)then go to http://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myr...m/aesthetic-maps/18213-my-dad.html#post230896 and then browse for the pics and then copy that one and put on your post THE OTHER WAY Do the say for number one 2) go to bungie.net and go to the picture and then copy the URL (website) 3) go to the same website http://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myr...m/aesthetic-maps/18213-my-dad.html#post230896 4)then change it to URL and then put the URL (website ) in to it and then copy the pic and put on your post
will do cheers mate This is classed as spam. Warning given (next time its an infraction) - TexturedSun
A few more pix would be nice. Also a weapons list/equipment would make ur post look better. From what I see you did a nice job on interlocking and you have a pretty solid layout also.
looking really good, im a big fan off small areas instead of milg maps because they take more time and skill, and you cant tell its foundry, gd job a nice llayout and looks very fun
This is something I hate to see- someone who knows how to make a map, but now how to use the ForgeHub Forums. I hate to see it because it's not fair to the Forger. It sucks, and their maps hardly get noticed because of their presentation. Their presentation is only ever lacking because of their simple lack of knowledge. That just sucks, in my opinion. SO, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna download your map. I'm starting work on what's going to be a thread dedicated to helping Forgers make a clean-looking thread, but I can't recommend that yet as it's not done. However, any help you need around ForgeHub in any way, let me know. The two pictures made your map look intriguing, and I'm about to see if it's as good as it looks. Be back, bro!
Nice pics, Nice description and an all round nice post. i look forward to downloading this map. anyone wanna play customs with me?
Looks VERY well done dude! Congrats. This is classed as spam. Congrats on your Infraction - TexturedSun
Hi, ive played this map now and it is really really good! the build quality and interlocking is amazing how long did it take to make. i found this map was only really godd for a one on one or two on two.
ummm. Looks ok . I do think some of the things are pretty messy. The the walls for example. But other than that looks ok. Also a little more info on the map would be great. All I really see is just a few lines just telling about it. One more thing. More pictures would be nice so we can see more of the map.Welcome to Forgehub and i give 4/5.
4/5 nice interlocking and gameplay the only thing im concerned about is that i was playing FFA with my friends and we kept spawning really close ot each other. also there are WAY to many power weapons i mean WAYYY TO MANY
yeh i went a bit crazy with the weapons tbh. Spawns are close because the map is quite small. im gonna make a V2 with less weapons and more spawn points. cheers for feedback.