K man, I got a plan for you. go to your room, take a nice long map, and read a giiod, "You know you play too much halo when..." book. joking, I probably play way more then you, and my maps are still not that great. 5/5 on this. Seriously, go to bed dude lol.
naw man I do play a lot of halo, but I am not really like that where thats all I do Just a lil FYI Above this line is off topic below this line is on topic the topic is the map itself ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I should probably say this about the mancannon lift Once about every 10 times, it shoots you to the ledge below the top of the middle base So be prepared for that if you guys are playing the map
This looks pretty cool. I like the idea be-hind it with the symetry layout. It looks very soild and it looks like you put alot of time into this.
Well this map is a remake of one of my previous maps, so I found this map a lot easier to build in the beginning. It was just a matter of interlocking everything, and doing the little things to make the map as good as possible I also found your maps turn out better if you have a relatively good idea of what your gonna do going into forge This map was the first one I have actually planned out, and it proves to be my best, so my advice to struggling forgers, is to try to make a game plan before forging.
alright thanks for the compliments however like i said before, in response to drak, is the switch is not pointless what so ever ill say it again, there are fuision coils under the wall corner also so it takes the player to no sheild if you hit them i guess i should go back and edit the first post with that information, otherwise thanks =]
FINALLY! i have been waiting forever for this map lol i have joined so many times thinking it was done....cant wait to play it,=] oh and in the description i think you 4got the firebomb grenades in the middle....unless you got rid of them or i missed it.....
haha Yeah I was working on this forever I'm sure you thought it looked the same and that I didnt change much but I ran into the item limit so I had to play around with items And the mancannon lift looks simple, but that thing was the most annoying thing I have ever built in forge And also ill add the flame grenades later that was my fault =]
forge vortex, Do you mind telling me your gamertag, that is, if its not this name Is it tequilla joe? Where you playing with me and go4er? Also to get the box that far into the ground was very difficult and frustrating =]
dude, i remember playing this map at the beach haha, i thought you were going to change the mancannon lift or somethin, i guess you fixed it though whenever i get my xbox back, ill be sure to download this good job bro
wow looks really good. The gameplay looks good, the elevator looks perfect, and the interlocking is just great. I also like the little huts with the doors. Great, Great Map. 4.9/5
This map has fantastic geomerging and interlocking, I love it, though few minor adjustments I'd make, but very good map