
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Big Boy 2013, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    Created by Big Boy 2013

    Supported Gametypes:
    Usually Team games, like Team Slayer, CTf, Assault, Territories, and KOTH.
    I would not recommend juggarnaut of infection, unless you do not put gravity very high, because there are some spots you can get out.

    Map Description
    This map is probably good for 4-6 players, or two will also be fine, but 8 is probably too big. It is a symmetrical map, and has some interlocking, though not much, since I was running out of money and never fully understood the unlimited money glitch. It is a has a large open battlefield with some cover for those who want to run in and inflict as much damage as possible, and sniper spots for wimps who want to cower at the top and shoot them from above, and throw power drains down on them so your teammates below can get rid of the weakened pests. (Jk, I'm one of those.) Or if you are a noob, you can try to use all your time to get out of the map, which isnt going to help you much. There are two armories, but dont stay there too long, or you could be trapped for about a half a minute. And above lies the good ol' sentinal beam, quite useful for the playlist, but very open.

    The gametype goes along very good with this map. You have 150 resistance to damage, ten lives, but once you are hurt, your shield doesnt regenerate. So usually rushing isnt too good of an idea, unless you have plasmas and bubble shields to protect you from potentially harmful enemies. Use strategy! Try to have some guys snipe and throw in power drains, others rush in and finish them off, while some sneak over and retrieve mines from the armory and place them in front of the enemies doorways. There are invisibility and fire grenades, but are very hard to get to being as they do so much damage during battle. Also, the sentinal beam can be very good for zapping all the rushers and hitting them hard, or zapping those snipers til' their death. I put no really big weapons like rocket launchers or missile pods, or it would be too chaotic.

    Main overview of the map. (At least, the best I could get...)

    The blue base.

    The red base. (Notice above the bases are the sniper spots.)

    The sniper spot above red base. (Also has a turret for taking out baddies on the battlefield.)

    The sniper spot above blue base. (I showed the inside of it, which is the same as the red side, since the map is symmetrical.)

    And this is the battlefield, with a bubble shield and two plasmas in the middle. (Plasmas are very hard to find due to the gametype I made explained above...)

    Between the two bases' sniper spots is the sentinel beam, useful for zapping the enemies in the battlefield. (Situated between the two sniper spots.)

    If you looked closely at the last pics, you might have seen an outer view of these. This is one of two armories. It contains some useful weapons and extra ammo, but beware, enemies can blow up the grav lifts and trap you inside...

    This is the other amory. It can give you the same fate as the other one, but contains different weapons.

    Since the map is symmetrical, this is the blue spawn area which gives you a mirror image of the red spawn, and the teleports carry you from level to level and up to the sniper spot.


    Also, the regenerator doesnt work, and I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas on how to fix that but not allow shields to regenerate, only with that. And please, if you notice anything that should be changed, or any spawn glitches occur, please tell me so I can fix it.

    Download XBattleStageX
    Download XBSX
    #1 Big Boy 2013, Jun 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2008
  2. SDV

    SDV Ancient
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    first post mwahahhaa
  3. Sn1pInGmOfO

    Sn1pInGmOfO Ancient
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    This does not meet forgehub standards. I don't have the link for the standardz, sorry. You need screenshots.
  4. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    This post does not follow the basic/required map format for posting. Please edit to the correct template.

    Please look at this link for assistance.

  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    this post is execelent exept the pictures i recommend using photobucket i think its easier then imageshack

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey glad to see you decided to post you map here on Forgehub but this post unfortunately doesn’t meet the guidelines. This is because it doesn’t have embedded pictures. So what I am going to do is show you how to embedded pictures into your map post on ForgeHub.

    To get you pictures embedded first you have to host them on a picture hosting website. I would use ImageShack® - Image Hosting because it’s the easiest in my opinion.

    1st step is to save the Picture you want to embed from Welcome to Bungie Studios : The Home of Marty O'Donnell.. To do this just open up the screen shot viewer and right click save image.

    2nd step is to locate the file you just saved of Bnet. then after you locate the file host it on Imageshack.
    But here is where most people make a big mistake what they do is embed the thumbnail instead of embedding main picture. So what you do to avoid that is click on the picture.

    3rd step is to take the picture and embedded into the post it so what you do is copy and paste the direct url. (Look at the picture below to find the location of the direct url) and then to embed it on Forgehub all you have to do is add around the direct URL you just copied and pasted into your post. And it should look like this [​IMG] but without the spaces.

    Finished product:

    You can also go here for a map posting template to make posting your map a whole lot easier. Or here to read he map posting rules.

    If you need any other help fell free to send me a private message Here
    Randle Scandal likes this.
  7. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    If you are going to post, please post something that relates to the thread.

    Sounds like fun, I will rate accordingly once pics are working for you. I'm waiting for pics because I'm at work, and sadly can not test it out... No xbox over here, lol. I was attracted by the name I hope you lived up to what I am expecting! Happy Forging!

    ~Randle $candal
  8. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, sorry, I guess the pictures didnt work out. I'll fix them as soon as possible...
  9. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    ITT: We post the same thing over and over again.
  10. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    the map looks well designed but a little to crowded
  11. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    You think its too crowded? I dont know how I could make it bigger without changing the whole map... But if its too small and I'll figure out a way to make it bigger. Please criticize me so I know what to change.
  12. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i like this map it is cool how it all works and all that stuff also is there a switch i see O.O me like
  13. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    This acually looks quite good. I like the armories with the grav lifts. Another thing about the armories that i like is that you did not put that many weapons in. I have seen other maps that have like rockets, shotty, sniper, and laser in one armory. But your is just right with the ARs and the BRs. For the interlocking and merging could use some work. I know you stated that you dont have that much but you really kind of need interlocking for forgehub maps. Other than the interlocking i didnt really think the open space was that big. I liked how you put the radar jammer with the barriers. That made it look a little smaller. Great Map 4.6/5

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