A 4v4 Team Slayer map. Please use the "House Riot" gametype. You start off with a Sniper Rifle and a BR with infinite ammo. The score is up to 75 kills. Two minutes in the game, some grav lifts appear so you can invade the house. Outside the house, Two people stay on each side. Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Overview: Spawn in the house: Outside 1: Outside 2:
if you start in the house and your entire team gets killed do you spawn in side or outside the house. because if you spawn inside the house again wouldn't you just get spawn killed, and if the spawns are neutral isn't there a chance you start with the other team this has happened to me allot in cod4 and it is annoying an hell.
I really can't understand what this gametype is about. The map looks like it has some potential, but it have no idea what your talking about.
All the items are placed crocked, also that this map is way too small, and the fact that you can grenade jump out of this map earns you a 1/5 And the pictures were no good either....
it does look cramp for 4v4 and i think some of it is sloppy but that doesn't matter it is a nice map well done
Ya sorry man but escapable, not to mention EASILY escapable maps really don't fare well on forgehub. I can tell that you still have money left in your budget so if you make a V2 these things will get your map a much better rating and more downloads: 1) Widen the areas on each side of "the house" to give players more room to dodge the sniper 2) Add more cover to the open areas on both side of the map, perhaps some pallets since they're breakable, and barrels since they provide some cover, but yo can't jump camp there until the grav lifts respawn. Basically add cover that you can't just camp behind. 3) Make the walls taller!!! if you can escape the map then the map is no good! If you do in fast run out of budget, use the budget glitch. 4) Interlock everything that can be made to look neater and smoother! A lot of times people won't download until a map is... I'd say about 80% interlocked, and nicely. If you put effort into making a map, that effort should be seen by looking at the map! 5) Give the non sniping players more of a chance, perhaps give them a pistol, for the slim chance that they kill the sniper. Thanks for reading and listen... this is not an "attack" on you or your map. These are merely things that will get you more downloads. I took time no write this, so please take the time to read it. Cool idea btw, somewhat original. No DL for now but look forward to V2!
ya but if someone on the other team gets inside they just have the sniper at head level and shoot every 3 seconds i have done this before to my brother and its really easy to spawn kill
Umm...Looks ok. The map seems a little to small for my taste. Also I do see some crooked walls and boxes. One thing it dont understand is how are u suppose to shoot the other guy on the other side. I know the grav lift spawns in 2 minutes but what are u suppose to do before that. 3/5
try making it so you cant escape, or so hard you dont want to risk it during a match, and also as snipers creed said put in some 'non-campable cover" in aslo ther may be a spawn killing problem