One of the unsc recon teams have found a B5 attack crusier in the barren waste land with no crew. the crusier was later classified as Ghost ship. the unsc has been keeping this a well fortified secret. no one knows what happened to the missing crew or were they went. Okay theres some backstory for why its called ghost ship. but anyways this is my first ship on avalanche so please if you have any advice reply so i can make a better one. all comments are appreciated thank you and i hope you enjoy this ship. video here slidehow download here the ghost ship spawn area weapons booth teleporter to ship hangar hangar exit more weapons!! left turret right turret roof plus 2 main turrets 3rd main turret this tells you witch goes were and finaly the bridge
Doesn't look too bad, not the worst ship ever but not the best either. I might make the ground part a little more ummmm big? or make it stand out more, yeah that's it
Wow I love a good Avalanche map! This is a great spaceship and I love the way the bottom looks especially! Great map I Downloaded There isn't much advice to give because this is as good as almost any ship ever made. I encurage you to try and make more unique dezigns and continue trying to make ships. You should use an Avalanche money glitch canvis too.
My only advice to you is to interlock most of the items to make the ship look smooth, and try to get a creative way into the ship, mabye a large ramp, or mabye you need a air craft, or mabye even a man canoon.
intresting but i want to see some one make a ship thats fully interactive. by saying that i mean decks and rooms and ect. thats what i want to see.
Whoa. I never seize to be amazed mt giant ships on alavanche, but this is one of the best ive seen yet! The only thing is that the vehicles look a little sloppy-placed, but w/e. A- Great job!
Looks like a really well put together ship, I really like how you made sure that the tanks and the wrath could not move, Most people who make these kinds of things overlook that aspect, But luckally you didn't, Very Awesome Map! 5/5
use the infinite money glitch it looks pretty good the outside doesnt look that great thats the part that needs improvement
Looks great though the outside looks like it could be improved if you interlocked most of the ship it would give it a smoother look, but other than that great job, I also like the backstory
The non moving tanks are cool, but you can place the barracade like a clamp, (up and over), the sides of the Scorpions to save room, like what you did with the wraith. That way you use less money and have more barracades left. Thats my only advice, this is one of the best I've seen!
fix the vehicle place, too bumpy. but its a nice map, but its like all the others... looks awesome from the outside but a lil disappointing inside. sorry, but i give it a 2.5/5
Everything is really awesome except... well... it looks a little too christmasy and colorful... Maybe you could call it santas death sleigh ride or something but, other than that its great 4/5