For whoever do this thanks very much. This is a request more than an idea. This are 2 planes that marked history. Many people are fan of this 2 planes for their abilities as phantom planes (not detectable at radar) and for speed and altitude. The first, Sr-71 Blackbird. Is the fastest and highest flying machine ever made. It was the first phantom plane. Its only weapons is speed and altitude, yes this is a spy plane. The second is one of the fastest, slightest and most accuarate planes ever made. Is the B-2 Spirit a plane that can carry tons of bombs and trow them all with such accuaracy that its rate of mistake was of 1 yard. To who ever do a really good replica of any of these I will promote ALL YOUR MAPS, thats right ALL YOUR MAPS in different map promoting topics and on other forge websites I know, beleive me im a very good promoter. And in every topic I make for showing one of my maps I will promote your maps. SR-71 Blackbird Info: SR-71 Blackbird B-2 Spirit Info: B-2 Spirit
the B-2 already looks tons like a Long sword fighter...I would be more willing to make that... But my plate is full ... maybe one day if no one take it up till then....
i remember Biggles talking about making an airplane of some sort, but i dont recall these names in particualr...(im obviously not a very big airplane guy) could be a cool project for any person really though...especially if you can walk inside.
What I had in mind was...using a great amount of foundry to make a LongSword... but in context.. how big would a B-2 be to a spartan? (trying to make it to scale...)
IMO curvy planes are hard to forge. Those both look like they would be painful to build, but I've seen Biggles do some amazing stuff, so somebody really dedicated could full it off probably, and I would be really impressed.
I was thinking Biggles and the creator of AC-130 Spectre and the Creator of F4 together will do wonderfull
Mr. Biggles is very talented at this sort of thing, but it is his decision if he wants to work on it or not. I would love to see how this sort of project ends up though.
How about this, make an airliner plan, with a playable interior. Then make a gametype called SNAKES ON A PLANE. The humans are Brown (Samuel L. Jackson) The snakes are green (or w/e snakes are colored) btw, if anyone decides to make this, I demand to be in the credits
Thanks tx if you need help with the layout ill be glad to help, I actually alredy have the perfect drawn out layout for the B2 but I need the perfect forger
I'm looking forward to the final product of the B-2. You should have'em make the F117 Nighthawk. That is my favorite jet by far.
I live in a very rich neghborhood, and TOM BASSwas the 1st person to fly the sr-71 blackbird. But you won't find him on the enternet because of security resons. I even got his autograph, but right now, he is very sick, and is 74 years old, so he might pass on very soon.:squirrel_sad:
Its a good idea, although I really don't understand why anyone would have fun making replicas of planes on Forge, although if you want me to help, I will...
I cant forge. I am a good reviewer, but the actual business of it is like a ten thousand piece jigsaw. Still, making this Long Sword (B-2) will be hard. I wont be able to do it. I cant make a bloody platform. Kudos to who does.