UNSC Halcyon Mk.II class crusier CLL-784 "Blaze of Sol" Created by Rubber Grunt, assisted by STUROCS Gametypes: Blaze of Sol works primarily with "Hold out", an infection gametype (see bottom for link to download) but can also work well with team slayer. Map Description Backstory Although it is generally unknown, a second human vessel entered the portal over the ruins of Voi at the same time as the elite ships and Foward unto Dawn. Its name was the Blaze of Sol, a Halcyon Mk.II class cruiser similar to the Pillar of Autumn. When it arrived at the Ark, the marine crew decided to explore the void region around the Ark's core. They subsequently found the new installation 04 and landed on its icy surface to make repairs. Before those repairs could be finished, however, the flood arrived and found a covenant weapon cache on the new Halo. Now the crew of the Blaze of Sol must fight for their lives against the flood trying to take over their vessel. Actual description The actual ship resembles the Pillar of Autumn, although it is smaller and more elongated (The Pillar of Autumn was Halcyon Mk.I). There are two floors, the first being a large hangar. There are also two mongooses in a container underneath the hangar. In the middle of the hangar is the bomb bay. When the bombs are released, they fall into the man cannon and then impact on the attacker's base. Level two contains the cockpit, including nav station, passanger seats, armory, shuttle bay, and reactor core/slipspace drive. There is also a teleporter here for acess to the roof. From the roof you can jump down to any one of four exterior turrets. At the attackers base, there are two banshees, two ghosts and a prowler. Within the base is an armoury featuring an array of covenant weapons. During a game situation ("hold out"-infection) the zombies can board the Blaze of Sol using the banshees and entering at either the hangar or the shuttle bay. _________________________________________________ Outside view Outside view (hangar entrance) Attacker's (zombie's) base The hangar bay The cockpit and navagation station The UNSC armory The reactor core/slipspace drive at the back of the ship Bomb's away! _________________________________________________ Thanks to STUROCS for assisting in placement, and also to cheezbob, covenant elite07 and emerging killer for their amazing ships that inspired this one. I'll have more ships coming soon if you like this one! Please don't hesitate to give any feedback. Download 'Blaze of Sol' Download "Hold out" (gametype)
looks ok. But people on this website dont tend to like armories. i think it depends on the map. Also, please dont bump your own thread
I like the fusion coils acting as bombs, but this looks more of a competitive map. The aesthetics are good (but not too good), but maybe you should include more aerial screenshots so we can see the rest of the cruiser.
Thanks for all the feedback, folks! Concerning the armory, there is another one in the attackers base. I was careful in creating the map so that it is as evenly balanced as posssible, so yes, I have thought about this. Oh, and the armories also don't include many power weapons, just the basics like the battle rifle and SMGs. So its definetly not one of those armories where there's always a spartan laser availble to take.
Great ship! Don't worry about the armory making it nooby, cause as long as it doesn't unbalance it, it will be fine.
Thanks Cheezbob for the feedback! TITAN is really the most amazingly amazing ship ever, and most of what's in Blaze of Sol was inspired by it.
Thanks for mentioning my name in the post. Also, 7|-|1$ 1$ 0|\|3 0Ph 7|-|3 L337-3$7 /\/\4P$ 3\/4!!!!!!1111!!!!0|\|3!1111110|\|30|\|3!!!!!$1><7'/|\|1|\|3!!!* * Translates to: this is one of the elite-est maps eva!!!!!!ii111ii!!!!one!iii111iiioneone!!!!!111sixtynine!!!
very nice map even though there are alot of shipmaps they never get boring ps: can somebody make a map a bit like this for foundry? i dont have the legendary map pack
I guess its okay, not the best out there. The shape of the ship is original though, as is the bomb hatch. 4/5
the ship looks nice but it looks nothing like the pillar of autumn. also the attackers base doesn't look like you did much work. maybe you could make sort of a base that is well protected and you can't get back in(the camping n00bs). if you do take up my idea for the base, use weapon holders and grav lifts to make sure you can't get in. 4/5
i have a personal favor of well made ship maps on avalanche, the kind of things I like in them is expert forging 101 techniques, this does not qualify, im sorry to say that you will need some practice on making maps with these techniques, I can help you as soon as i get my system back, my GT is BAMFthesenior and until i get my system back look up forging 101 on this site and just practice.
CRAP! i thought it had something to do with mortal kombat 2...! anyway. it looks alright. there are way to many ship maps. but i like how u have the people dumping fusion coils. the **** pit is also cool. but it doesnt looks like a ship from the outside. 4/5