Linkedy link-link Linktrocity So bungie, stick a straw into that and SUCK IT. I think this guy seems credible, I did a background check and he is a real microsoft employee. It's interesting that he said it wasn't that Peter Jackson thing, so now I think it must be the 3rd person thing. Thoughts?
So I am really confused right now. Is it going to be a third person shooter or a first person? ive heard so many humors in the past week
I wouldn't believe anything you read unless it comes from Bungie. Everytime this happens rumors run amuck and things get "said" but until Bungie says it don't get excited. But a little off topic .... a big middle finger to friggin Microsoft for pulling the plug on the Bungie announcement today, I'm so sick of their crap. "Mattrick told MTV that Bungie's next title wasn't revealed because Microsoft felt they had enough content and excitement surrounding its other announcements" and I say **** that good Sir, the Microsoft press conference sucked balls .... as did the others. E3 fails and so does Microsoft. sorry i'm really pissed about the Bungie thing.
Yet we still buy their crap only for them to change it to be more like the Wii ...... I am so tempted to sell my 360 right now, if it wasn't for Bungie ... I would.
It would be so sweet if either you were like a forerunner back thousands of years and you had sweet tech like railguns and stuff. Or maybe like 50 years after halo 3 where the humans and elites live in piece and something EPICLY BAD happens, and then MC's ship crashes or something and they save him and he whines about "oh no cortana is gone 4eva" and then he kicks some rebel/alien BUTT. Or maybe it would be like a Spartan III or maybe even IV, and they find out that they were transplanted MC's genes and that is why they are such a good soldier. And then he picks up an elite girlfriend even though he shouldn't and then she gets kidnapped and killed by the OMGbad guys. And then the guy kills everyone. What do ya think?
It's a tactical squad based shooter without Master Chief. The game is set before the Halo trilogy, and there is a brief rumor that you will be able to play as/work with Sgt. Johnson.
I am mad that Microsoft halted the release of information on this project. I was excited about this as much as anyone else.
There is going to be another game based on Halo. I think it may be named either Halo: BLUE or The Halo Chronicles. I honestly think Bungie should not use Halo in the name of their next project, considering Microsoft owns the rights to it.
First of all you're retarded. Yes Microsoft owns the Halo IP but who do you think they are going to use to make the games? Yeah Bungie. and once again, rumors and speculation, just wait to hear it from Bungie castle. oh and nice fail trying to steal Pengy's name dumbass. lol
I like Johnson, but I dont want the game to be about him and before the trilogy. I want it to be after or be about the forerunners.
if it's a halo game with a better map making program, i would have pooped my pants already... at least they've told us there's a project. but now i wanna know what exactly it is. halo 4? or just a halo based game?