Forge has stopped cooperating with me

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Heatwizard, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. Heatwizard

    Heatwizard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I've screwed around alot in Forge with friends. We don't do anything special at all. We float stuff with the box method, we make random bases, then we shoot each other for a bit and move on. After joining I decided to stop being so lazy(digitally) and get around to a REAL map. Like, one that isn't just random screwing around. I got an interesting concept(I think), and I started building it although it's not too close to completion. However, in some random testing with friends, a recurring problem has shown up.

    Everyone respawns outside the map. I have respawns where I want them to be(in the map), but regardless, everyone spawns on the steps or in the corners, which is very much not where I want them to be.
    I have lots of respawn points down where i want everyone to start but none of them are used unless people suicide.

    I'm stumped quite throughly. Halp?
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This sounds like a starting point problem to me.
    When in monitor mode, pause the game and select "change gametype", select slayer and accept, it should start a new round.
    You should now be able to see starting points on the map (they look like respawn points but with a little blue aura above them) which are not visible in "all gametypes" mode.
    These define where the initial spawns are, and I'm guessing that this is the problem, so just move them inside the map to where you want them and voila!

    Bear in mind how important starting point placement is though, you really want to space them evenly and make them as covered from each other as possible, obviously placing groups together for team starting points is ok, but don't forget to set which teams spawns at each starting point using the properties menu.

    I'm pretty sure only one start point needs to be placed per team, and other teamates just spawn around it, but you will want to use more than 2 (red and blue) if you want the map to be playable for FFA or Multi Team, this is when spacing and cover become important.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

    EDIT: Oh, and for future reference, questions regarding forge like this one should be asked in the Forge FAQ, it helps to keep this forum more tidy. Thanks
    #2 Pegasi, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  3. Heatwizard

    Heatwizard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I knew there were start points but I couldn't find them so I figured I was mistaken. d: Never thought Slayer would be special. Thanks.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, it really phased me at first as well.
    Also bear in mind that starting points are independent for each gametype, so you'll want to place them (consider placing them in different places as well) for each different gametype that you choose to make the map compatible with.
  5. Heatwizard

    Heatwizard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hay, guess what? I'm back with an ENTIRELY NEW PROBLEM! Awesome, m i rite? I'm problematic. Perhaps even problemtastic. Problemriffic.

    So I built my map already, but it wasn't interlocked and as such kinda looked like crap, so I decided to restart. I put down a box, set it to some high number spawn and tell it not to spawn at start, then I save+quit and come back, and it's still there. This makes me angry. It won't let me pick it up or edit it, but it's still there, and obviously I cannot interlock if it doesn't listen to me when I tell it not to spawn at start.

    Problem 2. FITE!!!!!!11!!?!11/12
    (BTW, super extra thanks for anyone who deals with this ahead of time. God knows it's gotta get annoying when the new people have alot of problems they need help with. <_<)
    #5 Heatwizard, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd really suggest you Edit the post before your last one to include your new question, then delete your most recent post. The staff are pretty hot on double posting, with good reason. If you wana delete your old post then just double click the Edit button and it should give you the option.

    On to your problem though.
    Did you start a new game when this happened? After saving, quitting and starting a new game, objects set not to spawn are often still there, immovable as you say, just start a new round and it should have dissappeared.
    Also, are you familiar with using runtime minimums to bring objects back without having to wait for them to respawn? Its a useful trick.
  7. Heatwizard

    Heatwizard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't see that there. I'm used to Invisionfree where the delete button is right next to quote and stuff. d:

    Anyway, I did indeed start a new game, but I'll try restarting it a few times, thanks.

    And I am familiar with the runtime minimum trick. I looked through several of the tutorial topics. There's alot. @_@

    EDIT: Oh, new ROUND. <_<; This whole time I was exiting out to the menu and coming back. Suddenly this clears right up AND saves me quite a bit of time. Geez, thanks for dealing with my ultra-noobness. I'ma go get a rock and hit myself on the forehead repeatedly.
    #7 Heatwizard, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008

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