More Forging Options. Do Want.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dante_Decem, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Has anyone else felt constricted by the limitations of forge. I myself am an asymetrical person. If I draw a person and get one eye perfect, the other will look like ****. Forge should have a copy and paste feature :D

    And making map varients could have an advanced options. Where you could turn off certain action use. Such as: Jumping (for dodgeball), Melee (For teamwerks), firing (for tremors) and much much more.

    Other options could include gameplay restrictions that would stall honor rules from the game. (CR players rejoice). I mean, could you imagine a game where you could only kill the gaurds by assassination, and they had a certain limit of kills per time period (stopping them from a prisoner rampage).

    I know this is basically me bitching about lack of skill, and ingenuity to safe-guard my games. But this would make things tons easier. And MLG would be pissed. Very Pissed.
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    This might as well be posted on Bungie. There is no reason for it here.
  3. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Pretty much everyone who forges knows that there is not enough to forge. But what can you do about it?
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    yea, forging is limited, but thats where the skilled aspect comes in, and how would a copy and past thing work? i would love these things to be in, but id be hard for bungie, plus, what do you think we can do about it, i dont think we really have a mager say in the matter
  5. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    90 degree snap buttons + 90 degree rotation button would be nice.
  6. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Moved to Forge Discussion.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Nice one Asper, makes sense.

    I too (haven't we all) have craved for a more in depth forging system, but am constantly reminded that forge really is a brilliant creation in its own right.
    Its so great because it gives you the ability to make maps without an actual editor as, lets face it, Forge is merely a glorified gametype. This means it was much easier to implement by bungie (and anything that would have pushed H3's release date back is pure evil) and also saves on space (not sure if the H3 disc is even nearly full, but if it was an issue then forge was a good solution).

    There are obvious downsides-lack of precision, lack of advanced editing tools (copy + paste, group object selection, lock-to-grid feature) and generally having to put up with the game physics when placing objects (that double box rattling noise grates at my very soul).
    But there are also upsides- visual ease when placing (you see exactly how the map is going to look when you are building it, meaning that constantly dropping into playtest mode isn't so necessary). Even aside from this, when you do need to drop into player mode it only takes the push of a button, with no loading or anything, and it drops you exactly where you want to be so you can test stuff easily. Also, whilst more precision would be nice, I'd choose freedom of placement any day. Look at the editor in TimeSplitters 2 for example, it was great in its own way, but very limited in its grid like nature, and constantly having to drop into playtest mode to check you'd placed an object right got really boring.

    Overall I'd say forge is a really innovative and impressive answer to a map editor, at least once foundry came into play. Its far from perfect, but its still a great little creation on the part of Bungie.
  8. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    thinking about it again. id like a solid sylinder. like a pole. thad be nice, and death pits you can place and fall through
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I think convier belts and those doors that open when you walk in front of them they open. Just like in the H2 map Gemini. Also a forge map that is on invisable glass that you can fall through (only a moniter can see) so you could make floating structures like Lockout, Ascension or Gardian without using the save and quit technique.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure bungie have said adding new features to forge itself is quite impossible.
  11. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Yeah well its limited but a lot has been done with this sandbox and the fact that bungie includes so many sandbox features it amazing. Also about the CR thing, commonly robbers all try to escape at once. And these limiters would be really hard to implement since the hardware of the game is already out. Sorry since i just said everything everyone else said but put together
  12. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    I really didn't expect bungie to do anything about my wants. ****, I doubted any of you would care. I was just saying, it'd be fun to have new features. Who's going to listen to a country kid out in the middle of no where?
  13. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
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    before any thing like that happens, id rather have that stupid 100 custom games limit lifted....

    But that would be pretty awesome.

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