Author: Ganye Map Name: Boom Tunnel Canvas: Narrows Map Size: Medium-Small Player count: 4-8 __________________________________________________ Description: This map started out as just kind of a mess around thing I did with Dylan and Oblivion that quickly spread. Originally it was two Grav Lifts on each side's Man Cannons, so that most objects, once put into the Man Cannon, would keep going back and forth between the two Man Cannons. This included Trip Mines, Deployable Covers, Power Drainers, vehicles and people. Then it lead to many, many betrayals. So I made a Mini-Game out of that, where you get points for dieing, betrayals, suicides, etc. However, I wanted to make a Mini-game that would work for two teams. From it emerged this. Both Flags, as well as a Spartan Laser, spawn in the middle. So you have to go through the Man Cannon to get it. However, if you go through the Man Cannon, you get stuck in it (Although it is possible to get out of the chain). Both teams must try to defend the flag in the middle, while also trying to grab the enemy flag. It's no easy task defending the flag while flying, so that leaves you to defend from your base. THIS, however, is made hard by the Magnum start. At each base there are two Snipers stacked on each other (180 sec respawn), 6 BRs (30 sec respawn), a Sword (90 sec respawn), a Sentinel Beam (90 sec respawn) and two Machine Gun Turrets (90 sec respawn). There's also two Tripmines (90 sec respawn), two Deployable Covers (90 sec respawn), a Power Drainer (90 sec respawn), 6 Spike Grenades (10 sec respawn), 4 Flame Grenades (60 sec respawn), a Camo (Never respawn), two Ghosts (90 sec respawn) and two Mongeese (60 sec respawn). The vehicles are virtually useless because they get knocked off the track if they hit a person and you can't grab the flag while in one. However, it is funny to watch someone get splattered by one. Because stuff is CONSTANTLY flying through the track, the Camo is useless for Offense. However, grabbing the Sniper Rifle and using the Camo great for Defense. The Flag Carrier is killed with one Headshot from the BR or one shot from the Sniper. The sword is almost useless, because you get knocked off the track if you use it while flying. However, if you position yourself just right next to the grav lifts, you can slash people as they go through the track. You can also get pulled in yourself, which leaves the Sword useless. 60 seconds in, 2 Pallets on each side spawn on the Man Cannons. These do little more then push you off the track or dealing minimal damage. After two minutes, both the pallets AND two Turret Cases spawn. These can do damage and knock you off. NOTE: The only way outside of the map that I've discovered is if you get pushed off of the track and land in the middle area. You can just jump back onto the Man Cannon platform from there. __________________________________________________ Screen Shots: __________________________________________________ Gametypes: Midair Flag
awesome idea pitty its done before lol nice CTF map though and the blocking has been done better than on maps i've seen before
Lol, back when halo 3 came out I had something like this... though nothing was floating... and there was way more junk yto kill yourself with lol
Good job Ganye, although, I managed to get out of here atleast 3 times. You can: Teammate Jump, Deployable Cover Jump, or brake the crates so they disappear.
Considering the fact that this is on an old map, there wasn't much that could be done about it. But hey, it atleast prevents most people from trying.
Lol I remember doing something like this last year, but only mucking around. I never thought to turn it into a CTF variant! It's pretty fun to chuck stuff onto the mancannons and watch people get splattered Only problem is it would get a bit boring and repetitive, and it isn't very original.