The down Fall of the wii

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Captain Acorn, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    those have all been done. it needs something new, epic, and fresh. If I want SSB or mario cart ill plug my n64 in :p
  2. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    I'm sure Nintendo will pull through with something. They'll do something crazy and the Wii will shoot up in popularity. They're not idiots. Besides, have you tried to buy a Wii recently? They're sold out almost everywhere.
  3. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    lol, pro's at mario party.
  4. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    The reason the wii are fly off the shelves is because and that you can’t deny. You can’t turn on the news with out herein something about them. Even though they have the ssbb coming out that only appeals to one market, the causal gamer and that’s what I was trying to get at in the beginning. Xbox appeals to both and if you disagree then play viva piñata, its like crack. We need to compete with the new generation of gaming and sorry to say the causal gaming market has turned hardcore. When I think of playing a causal game on my Xbox I think of Assassins Creed or Halo 3 campaign. The market is also moving to the online market to. And if you don’t believe that think of the first game you played. Me ice hokey for nes(best game ever made)now look at the kids today. They play Halo, Cod 4, Wow and other online game. The thing is online is here to stay and Nintendo NEEDS TO STOP LIVING IN THE PAST. Because it not what old schoolers like. It’s what the younger generation. Because they have a long time before they have to settle down with a family so all their money goes to video games. Online is the future of gaming and the Wii is the last Hura of a old life stile that sadly is coming to a end.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i still think more people are casual gamers and tahts why the wii will always succed
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Halo and Assasin's creed are NOT casual games. That would be a single player game. Casual games are games that are easy to pick up and start. They aren't in the past, they are appealing to another group of people. I doubt they care about the oldschoolers. Go to any elementary school and look at the kids with they're DS's and Pokemon. It's still hot for casual players.

    You all need to look at it from different angles than your current state. >.<
  7. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    here is my predicition for the wii,
    beacuse most of the the people who bought the wii are casual gamers, they only buy 2 or 3 games, so while the console are selling out, the games aren't. so if i were a maker of games, i would say, "should i make a game for the wii or the ps3/360? well the wii is selling well but the games arent, while the ps3/360 isn't selling as well, the games flying of the shelves. i think i'll make a game for the ps3/360."
    so, game makers don't make any games for the wii, and only nintendo is making anything for the wii, and they end up losing money because their not selling enough titles to break even. so they have to cool it on the wii games. well that means that there are only a few crappy nintendo titles for the wii, and thats where you lose the few hardcore gamers you had.
    now lets check up on the casual gamers who bought the wii, hey the wii is in closet, beacuse no is playing, because they got bored of their $250 toy.

    so no one is playing the wii...... hey look!!! wii2 with brain controls, and so begins the cycle.

    p.s. look at the gamecube, the past repeats itself.
  8. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    Well you got to look at who really excited about the wii. The man backing is over 20. I work at target and I had a woman come in that knew all about the wii but didn't even hear about this call an Xbox 360 or Ps3. The older generations are still in the casual market and their dumbfound about the wii's controllers the parents are willing to buy a wii. But I ask you this how many games have bought for your wii? .Now look at you Xbox collection. You probley got a Mario party type of game and Zelda and now your waiting for ssbb because their is nothing that interested you right now right?if you look at Xbox right now you don't have enough money for all the fun games out right now.
  9. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    Have you ever put halo on easy they what you thought it and the enemy kill them self. You never make a custom game just mess around. you never just start jumping around on assassins creed messing around those controls are just as easy as the wiis.
  10. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    yes, but how long does halo on easy last? even my friend, who is a diehard sports gamer and terrible FPSer, beat Halo 3 in 10 hours on easy....

    now think about someone who plays mabe an hour every day, how long will SSBB, or Rock Band, or Guitar Hero, or even Wii Sports...a REALLY long time...alot of people dont even care it doesnt have online...i have to admit, online scared me when i was starting, i would play with mute and no mic on...
  12. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    Ya I see what your getting at but if you into the Rock Band or guitar hero Xbox has the online which allow you to get more songs and even though I can justify buy a wii for ssbb. but i use to play halo 2 with my friends and brothers before I got live and like you said it was scary but I was a whole new world and nothing I ever played before. but im done with this we'll all see in the next two years whos right
  13. finfan297

    finfan297 Ancient
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    Disclaimer: I am a Diehard MS Fanboy and Hardcore Gamer but will attempt to express my views in an nonbashing way (??OXYMORON??)

    I dont see the Wii as Nintendo's attempt to continue to sell a remade old platform but rather as a step forward with the motion controlled gameplay, but I feel that the controllers are not going to continue to sell a lot of consoles and games. Not to mention modicom ammount of blockbuster titles will only dampen sales in the future. MS's approach of combining an all in one media center with a next gen console as a concept that will generate a lot of revenue for MS and developers. In reponse to other posters, I think the PC will always be #1 in gaming, due sheer numbers alone, but like the PS3 the PC has probably priced itself out of the market short truly hardcore gamers.

    just my 2 cents
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    most people wont justify the extra $2 a song and the $150 difference just for downloadable content. the wii's motion sensing also makes it more FUN which kids like, and it makes you MOVE, which parents like
  15. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Give both games to a 70 year old to figure out. I doubt they could even start the campaign let alone aim and shoot. Wii has (free) online GHIII, dunno where you are going with that.

    The wii is starting like the DS did, developers first started making ports and shitty 3rd parties mini games. When they realized people were buying, they started to make incredible games. When Wii gets it's 3rd party support it'll regain the hardcore audience. Games like No More Heroes (90/100 on metacritic) will boost it's popularity again.

    The xbox collection thing was pretty funny.

    My Halobox list:
    Halo 2
    Halo 3
    The game that came free with the xbox that I sold
    Mechassault that I sold after I modded my xbox

    Mario Galaxy
    Super Paper Mario
    No More Heroes (preorder)

    Two of the games you have are better on the PC (CoD 4 Oblivion)
    That leaves Viva Piñata. Yeah great argument.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i have to admit my wii games list is very small: SMG, Metroid, and Zelda, while my 360 collection is of somewhere around 20 games (orange box, SC: DA, Gears, Bioshock, Guitar Hero 3, GH2, Two Worlds, COD3, COD4, Mass Effects, Sneak King, Pocketbike Racer, Big Bumpin, (lol at BK games), Halo 3, NHL 08, Madden 08, NBA 2k7, NBA Live 08, MLB 2K7, All Pro Football 2K8, Fight Night 3, and those are only my 360, i have about the same amount of xbox games...but ask a friend whos not into gaming, or even my sisters friends, and theid far rather play the wii. its just more fun.

    CATERBIRD Ancient
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    The only thing i can say about the wii is that the timing was a bit late far as timing is concerned, if they were gonna release it they should have released it 2 to 3 years ago, and also there sould be games that bring gamers back to their roots instead of pushing them into a pit of stupid games with terrible graphics and a retarded controll scheme. I mean release all of the mario parties again or even better, mario 64. :squirrel_nono:
  18. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yes, the "larger" demographic is the casual gamers, but that is also the most difficult to maintain, as they see these games are fun now, but you have to keep reminding them! Think about the "hardcore" gamers. I Get EGM, regularly check the MLG and 1up website, and play halo like 3 hours+ daily, whereas the "Casual" gamer might play Wii sports or brain age on the weekends for an hour or two. And you can probably bet that these people, generally adults, have lives other than video games (i dont mean this as an insult, but what i am saying is that to a casual gamer gaming comes next to last), so they wont be as "tuned in" to the gaming world as the hardcore gamer, who reads EGM and Xbox mag and knows about all the newest releases and hottest games and what is going on in the video game world, whereas this casual gamer probably plays one or two games ever.

    And here is the part where you say "what about ads on TV." well i am going to ask you; on what channels do you see commercials for video games? No, you dont see them on the news or on the soap opras, no, you dont see them on ER or family guy. I have only ever seen them on children's channels like cartoon network or nickelodeon (and only because i have a younger brother). What adult is going to be actively watching that? I mean, maybe your kid has it on while your reading the newspaper, but them bottom line is, those ads reach only the little kids, so these adults only buy the games they see, which is severely limited due to the fact that they most likely dont actively pursue the video game world, merely take it as a "spare time" kind of thing, whereas for hardcore gamers its a hobby, or for some, even a way of life!

    And so, by doing this, nintendo isnt reaching the people who are likely to buy the most games, aka, the people who play them all the time. If this casual gamer beats a game in a month whereas the hardcore gamer beats it in 3 days, who is going to buy another one? The hardcore gamer for two reasons; one, his/her game is already finished and is most likely bored with it, and he/she knows what she wants to buy next, where the casual gamer most likely doesnt. I mean, the casual gamer isnt gonna say "im gonna go buy a game and if it sucks, well, thats okay, i just wasted 50 bucks." If you argue you can rent, then i suppose you have me, but again, video games are not that persons first hobby, which is why they are a casual gamer.

    And the problem with Wiis flying off the shelves is that people either give up on it or are forced to wait, and even if they wait, they may miss out on a game. Like say you bought the Wii at launch, and bought "the action game 2" (well call it that for sake of example). Then, when action game 3 came out, you bought it. Now, imagine another person who bought the Wii a year after launch. Action game 3 is already out, so you just buy that. Now, if that person 2 had been able to buy the Wii at launch, he probably wouldve bought both games, netting Nintendo more money. But person 2 is quite a few more people, like, thousands, who cant buy a Wii because nintendo ships (or rather keeps) 99% of their Wiis in japan and ships the other 1% here (that of course is dramatization, but you get the general picture).
  19. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    i could not agree more
  20. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Thanks. Im also glad you read my wall of text (and im surprised i had the patience to type it). No i just gotta convince fbu...

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