Swat Tips?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jake Pajamas, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    So for a long time I'm avoided the whole hardcore list thinking that i would just get destroyed in it. Though recently (about 10 minutes ago) I decided to try out team swat. Luckily I got paired up with two decent guys right off the bat and went from 1 to 4 in 2 games. My first game was less than stellar but my second one I was up with the other guys (about 15 kills in the game). Granted this is isn't very impressive when you're going against people that are <10 in skill. But anyways, I was just wondering, as a newcomer to SWAT, does anyone have tips that will help me to succeed?
  2. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Use the pistol at close range.

    And play on somewhere between 3 - 5 sensetivity. Try to avoid long range battles.
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  3. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    As much as it may sound cheap, and I really hate doing it, being an elite is really helpful, especially when you're the small head. Theres reduced chance of getting hit from behind.
    Second, I find that playing defensively is better simply because you're not walking into an area where you dont know where things are.
    Third, Split into two teams. Either two pairs of two, or one/three. This allows you to flank as well as puts numbers to our advantage. The more guys shooting, the better the chance of you getting the kill before the other team
    Fourth, JUMP! Don't jump constantly mind, only as soon as the other team sees you. Jumping sideways is always better than up and down. Also, if you can Gandhi hop, that sometimes messes with the opposing player
    Fifth, and finally, never ever ever ever ever have our entire team be together in the same place. This merely gives the opposing team the chance for an exterm.

    hope that helps
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  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    1. what is the smallest elite head? I have ascetic on right now because it has that concave top and it looks relatively small.

    4. what is the ghandi hop?

    oh and right now my sensitivity is on 1. I usually have it on 3 but for swat I thought my aimw ould be better on 1 so I'm testing it out.
  5. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    1. I don't but turn into an elite
    2. Practise with a BR in custom games against better players.
    3. Don't run into an open area where there's gun shots being fired.
    4. Don't get on a mongoose with someone on the back (Its an easy double kill)
    5. Learn some skill jumps to be able to get away or catch an oppent off guard.

    I hope this helps i use these and im currently a level 32 at swat but i always seem to get amazing players on my team. One match i got -2 and everyone else was getting like +4.
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  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    1 or 2 is good sensitivity.Also don't rush because you can easily die by walking around corners,rooms,etc.Also always keep your reticule where the oppenents head is so if they turn a corner you get the kill right there.

    Hope I helped.
  7. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    I use the flight head. Mind you, I only become an elite when playing swat. Its kinda unfair, but it gives you an advantage, especially during schwatgun games.

    The hop is clicking the crouch while in mid air. It makes your body animate in a real way making it harder to keep a steady shot on you. Mind you, it takes practice to be able to G hop effectively. So just practice.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    For me, it's easiest to aim at the neck. By the time they move forward, your bullets are already in their head
  9. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Thanks for the tips everyone! keep 'em coming if you have more! +rep for all lol.
  10. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Flight is the smallest, but commando and aethsetic work just as well.
    When waiting around a corner for your enemy, either jump, or duck as they turn the corner (they will usually suspect jumping however) alternating randomly will make them confused, and will give you a better chance when they turn a corner on you.
    Try and get used to timing your BR shots, so that your burst comes out as you exit/enter a shielded area, or a corner, when you know where the enemy is.
    On maps with large sight lines, hold the middle, this will ensure you can't be killed right from spawn as often as you could otherwise.
    In swatball snowbound, bring it into the base by the cliff, most people bring it to the boundaries, but the base is much easier to control.
    In swat flag have 1 on offense, 1 on defense, and two guys that generally stay in the middle, but are ready to take either front, when needed(middle men should generally be your best players, defense can generally be accomplished with a mediocre player, but think twice before substituting a good defense, for a good offense.
    Spawn camp whenever possible, this means getting a line of sight to a likely spawn place after killing the enemies, and getting them off spawn, it's playing dirty, but that's sort of the feel I get from the whole playlist.
    On maps like construct, or Rat's nest, (sometimes Ghost Town) avoid shooting matches where your cursor is bigger than the enemy body, these are generally based on luck, due to random bullet spread, and are an unneccessary risk.
    DON'T RUSH. If your opponent has an entrenched position (say, shield doors, and maybe they have host) use a distraction, and have another team member sneak around, and go for a multi kill, you can charge in once it's safer for you. Also, after being attacked, it's more likely that some one defending a base will charge you to attack, so sometimes you can just wait them out, and their psychology will be their downfall.

    That's all I could think of for now, other than always remember to set matchmaking options to prefer good connection(pressing x in matchmaking lobby).
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  11. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
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    Set your thumbstick sensativity on the settings menu when you press start to one. this makes your cross hair more accurate. aim just above the head, then a couple of bullets will spring into them. Dont use magnums, unless the playlist is magnums by default.

    In ShwATguns, dont always go up close to the player you want to kill. Get a little further away and aim for the head. People who havn't noticed the damage difference to headshots will keep walking towards you, while you walk backwards and shoot them in the head. A great map for ShWATguns is Snowbound. Go into the cave and camp there. if you use the walk back shoot head teqnuiqe then you cant die. I got a killing frenzy and a shotgun spree, and a triple kill from one match by doing that.
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  12. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    About the Elite part, it really doesn't matter what head style you use, the hitbox will still be the same. But try to avoid the Combat Head. It usually lets you enemies know where to aim at.

    Oh yea, and a good connection is good. But you knew that already.
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  13. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Aim for where the head will be. Lead your shots. Also, remember that there is no radar. If someone is shooting (even in a entrenched area) sneak around behind him and assassinate him. Try to attack from multiple angles, also. Even if the guy is host and has great reflexes, he can't fire in two directions at once (unless it's lagging really badly ;) ). If you move together, your oppenents can easily take you out with a couple of shots (or even one shot if you're really unlucky, since the BR fires 3 shots at once) before you know what's going on.

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