hey i know this is kinda a dumb question but i wanted to know of any tips, techniques and strategies you guys use to quick scope people. i cant do it to save my life, at normal long range sniping im good and no scoping i can pull off a decent amount at times but there are those certain situation where you need to quick scope because you know a noscope would be way too risky. Also when doing a quick scope do you zoom once or twice real quick
Wrong Section, and all you can do is practice, we ain't talking about the game we talkin' bout practice.
Play on high sensetivity, take the shot, zoom in, it's really easy to do if you just practice in FFA's against your friends, or even pay social slayer or rumble pit. Just grab a sniper and start quickscoping.
I mean, like...when I go out and play...you see me play right? I go and give it my all... Seriously, I do alot of noscoping. The key is to aim for the top of their head and lead em. Start with a friend, doing easy strafing, then tell him to make it harder and harder, and then include jumps, I guess is the easiest way to do it. I just seem to be pretty good at it without practice, so I've never practiced.
Step 1: Work on your spelling, it will make you smarter. Step 2: Practice with your friends, but make sure you and your friend are the same skill level. Step 3: Repeat step 2. Step 4: See step 2. Step 5: Begin trying it in matchmaking. Step 6: Return to step 2, rinse, repeat.
This should be in Halo Discussion. Anyway half the time when I'm no scoping I just point and shoot sometimes it'll hit and sometimes it wont, other times I just randomly start shooting hoping to get a headshot.