So I've heard some great feedback from my map Torrent, and decided to make it into a team base map. this fits better than FFA due to it's symmetrical design. its still MLG. I used onlsaught as reference for my wepon placement. this map differs from Onlaught in that it plays TS BALL CTF and KOTH. its also a different design of course. so i took about 30 hours on the first version, and i spent about 10-12 hours with the update. The main difference in the map is the middle. it used to be a merged double box, and is now a bridge made from 2 double walls. I also had a major spawn issue that i fixed after the first run of testing. I hope these improvements help to make playing this map an overall fun and competitive experience. ive heard from some very experienced forgers that the lines of sight off of the top of yellow and blue towers are very innovative and top notch. techniques used: geo-merging interlocking effective spawn placement floating objects Weapons on map: Br x4 10 second carbine x2 90 second mauler x1 120 second frag nade x4 30 second plasma nade x4 30 second Pictures: A look at blue base "A" base The new bridge (mauler spawns underneath) In side yellow base front of "B" base "A" blue corner before you think this map looks "too open" you should check it out first. the last pick makes it seem kind of bare. this is hardly the case. there is more than enough cover in this map. "This is my masterpiece" thanks every one who gave me feedback after i released v1 and thanks to those who helped me test. Torrent v2.1
5/5 man, great interlocking and symmetry. This could easily be an MLG map in the actual playlist, or even a feature here at forge hub. Nice.
i hope you know MLG isnt just a playlist, its a competitive gaming community that just happens to have its own playlist. but thank you i appreciate it. i dont think this map will get featured though. its kind of a simple 2 base design, but i made the bases different than they usually are. not to brag, but i put a lot of time into it and i'm really happy with how clean everything is.
map looks great nice interlocking and everything but from my experiance of featured mlg maps and playlist mlg maps there is one difference that i dont like as much the left and right sides provide to much cover and they could pass of as a 3rd and 4rth base, and als it looks like there isnt enough ground-floor cover. you might try evening/spreading out the cover. all snags aside it looks great and very playable EDIT: another thing you might add is top floor catwalks around the edge of the map
looks pretty cool, a good milg map, a gd amount of cover and a coo layout, looks nicely done, i like how you used power ups to show each base, gd map well done
thanks for the feed back everyone. i am glad you like it. im in the process of building a v3, which i promise is going to be better, and more creative than this version.
Spawns are now 10 times better, good job. As I've said before I think this map as great flow, especially with the new bridge. 5/5 from me. Keep it up.
This looks alright. I will download and check out. I am not sure since I never checked the last date it was replyed on so this isnt a Necro post. I saw a link to it here.