__________________________________________"Embed Your Pics! Link to Your Map on B.net!" This thread may not reach "Forge Hub's Quality Standards" and may require clean up.__________________________________________ this is a popular infection game that my clan and I often play. There is a 2nd lamp shade that im also working on. you can check out srceenshots and more info and link to download at http://www.bluep.7p.com/photo_1.html
This map does not meet the standards of posting a map properly. Please re-look at the tacked guidelines as to how to properly post your map.
hey, if people stop commenting on maps that dont meet the criteria, then they will all go to the bottom and be out of the way, anyways, their should be a templet or some sort of warning when you make a new thread in the maps section, telling the new users how to post thats just my idea
the name of the map has nothing to do with the map itself but was frist named for a joke with a friend. p.s sorry about screwing up the post but you guys should at least look at the map..
No we shouldn't. This isn't Bungie.net. You should post properly if you want your hard work to be seen. Its not difficult to do; but, like all good things, takes a little time and effort on your part.