Entrapment Created by Phoenix619 Supported Gametypes: Custom Slayer Variant, Slayer, Team Slayer Recommend Number of Player: 2-8 Map Description The map design for Entrapment is a cross that is connected by 4 hallways. In each of the 4 corners of the map the hallways are connected with tunnels. The Battle Rifles are located outside of each of the connecting tunnels. The shotgun is located in the center of the map. The Bubble Shields are located in the middle of 2 of the side hallways. The Plasma Grenades are located next to the Bubble Shields. There is 1 Frag grenade in each corner of the map. There is a ceiling that covers the entire map Weapon Set: Battle Rifle X 8, 30 sec respawns Shotgun X 1, no spare clips, 2.5 minute respawn Plasma Grenade X 4, 10 sec respawn Frag Grenade X 4, 10 sec respawn Bubble Shield X 2, 1 minute respawn _________________________________________________ Overview without ceiling Second overview without ceiling Right Bubble Shield Left Bubble Shield Shotgun Left Bubble Shield, Shotgun, Right Bubble Shield Ceiling above Right Bubble Ceiling above Left Bubble Ceiling above Shotgun _________________________________________________ Thanks you to whoever takes a look at my map and if you download. If you think the map needs to be tweaked I would love to hear suggestion for a version 2. Once again thank you and I hope everyone is doing well. Download Entrapment Download Entrapment Slay
This looks like a good map for possible 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. I'm definantly going to Dl. 4.9/5 EDIT: Now that i look at it's size, i'd say 1 vs 1 is not that smart. 4 vs 4 would work like clockwork.
Dude, wow. That is all I have to say. From looking at the pics I started imagining game play and this map looks like it would be so much fun. The layout is awesome so simple but great. You definitely have my download. Great job. I love it
Thank you both for your comments, and Baconinja I know that it might look small at first but in game it actually is quite big. Thank you both again.
This map looks great for its simple layout. Although, I got some suggestions for a v2. If you can, try and geo-merge the boxes into the floor so grenades don't go under them, and interlock some things (a signs,b signs,doors,etc.) into the walls so its nice to look at! 3/5 For now.
looks interesting. it seems like you're favoring gameplay over aesthetics, and that is by no means bad. i actually prefer gaemplay. but if i were to make suggestions for v2, i would say try to learn some things that will make your map look as good as it plays. get some kool aesthetic features to make it stand out and look unique. 4/5 from what i can see
Thank you both for your suggestions about aesthetics and I will try to add some things into a v2 to make it look better. Ak Gumby 907 the only problem with geo-merging is that I don't know how to do it.
it looks great but theres a lack of cover, might want to add some pallets, barrels, barriers ect. but otherwise it looks fine 3.75/5
Ok, well here's a thread that can teach you about geo-merging. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/forging-101/1722-merging-immovable-objects-map-geometry.html If you don't feel like reading that whole thing, you can send me a friend request (Ak Gumby 907). I'm quite a genius when it comes to geo-merging. P.S My friends list might be full if you are going to add me, and if it is P.M me about it and I will gladly delete someone for you.
I played this from it's earlier incarnations, and the map is great. Simple, fun and constantly full of action. It takes up almost all of the middle area of foundry, so while it looks small it plays great. 1v1 isn't as bad as you might think, but I think 3v3 is the best number of players, though 4v4 is good too.
it looks plain, but looks like it took time? idk cuz i dont forge like u guys do. With teqnices adn stuff
I agree with just about every reply above. Although the layout is rather simple, the gameplay will be very interesting & enjoyable. It is similar to Gridlock (simple, yet complex). You may want to change the grenade respawn times (ex. half 30 sec, half 45 sec). That is, for each grenade. As for aesthetics: use the infinite money glitch, exchange some boxes for fence walls (filled with aesthetics), geo-merge, etc. You could basically place aesthetics around the perimeter & leave it at that (if you were to change boxes, it may get confusing -direction wise-). There are also a few changes you could make to reduce confusion. If you want, message me & I'll give you some ideas.
A shotty and two bubble shields within 30 feet of each other? Don't know why nobody else has mentioned this, but I sense some major camping issues. I think a power drain or deployable cover would fit the map better and reduce the overpoweredness of the shotty. And some more aesthetics wouldn't hurt either...
The map is large enough, that bubble camping is only a problem if you keep attacking the bubble. Though if I were to change them, I'd put radar jammers in.
SICK!!! i would make the middle with a geomerged box, fencewalls going up to it (from all sides) and also, i would merge fencewalls into boxes, so that it would look like the boxes are fenced, and also providing aesthetically pleasing things, because this has none 3/5 for now, but with that...epic! (ps, leave the roof open in the middle, with fencewalls giving a window, and make a fencebox full of fusion coils and surrounded by shield doors, and you could make a reactor)
i love these CQ maps with tight corners and narrow hallways, but the bubble shotty bubble line is a bad idea. Try putting a bubble on the far sides instead, shotty + bubble is a little to overpowered. a good idea otherwise! another tip is to trade the shotty fora brute shot, since the work better as a power weapon in these kind of maps than a shotty. Why not trade one Bubble shield for a regen, allowing the teams to choose their rush tactically at spawn. just my opinions, but a 7/10 for now
The suggestion you put in your post script was a suggestion you made for another map...now we don't every map to have a reactor and look the same, do we? As for the map, I'm just going to download it and play it since I need a new map to play tonight with my friends. Also I am thinking of making a map similer to yours =P.
i knooow...im kinda in an explosive MODE!!! kaboom! but that thing about fencewalls wrapping around the boxes would be cool....