Since the Staff have implemented a new MLG map section, this thread is now redundant and will no longer be maintained with searches etc. I will, however, add anyone's map to this if they still want me to, just PM me with a link if you'd like it to be included MLG Map Directory Obviously an ongoing work in progress, I will be editing this when needed and will search for new MLG maps about once a week at least. If you would like your map here then either post a response here or PM me (please include a link either way) but please be patient, it will be added For a more refined rundown of MLG maps here on FH check out the sister thread to this one, The Pegasi MLG Rundown, criteria for inclusion are detailed in the OP. After noticing alot of comments about the competitive map section being cluttered with MLG maps, I thought that a directory thread would help to separate them out for those who want them. I will make similar directory threads for other map types which don't have their own forum if people think they would be useful, just suggest them and I will make one if enough people agree. I would like to make clear that this is not a review thread, it offers no opinions on any of the maps it links to, so please don't complain about any maps placed in here. They are included if the maker defines them as MLG (based on tags and map name), just as they would be if there was an MLG sub-forum. If any map is clearly nowhere near MLG standards then I will remove it, but please refrain from flaming maps in this thread, it is intended to organise them only. This thread is placed in off topic to avoid moderation issues and so people can be more relaxed about posting rules here. However, please only post here if you: a. Would like your map placed in this thread (or PM me, please include a link either way) b. Would like your map removed from this thread c. Have any suggestions for further directory threads. d. Have any suggestions/comments on this thread. ie. Please do not comment on maps here, but feel free to comment on the thread itself. MLG Sanctioned maps: To see what kind of forge maps MLG actually use, check these out, they'll help in getting an idea of what official MLG maps require. MLG Amplified and Amp CTF Beta by Fritzster MLG Maps: Apex by theheat MLG Condemned by Fanatic 66 MLG Limitaions by ii geneticz MLG Burial Mounds by Gollygeeanelite MLG Map Pack by UndoingChales MLG Vgi Impact v5 by VGI dYn4sTy MLG Generator Map-Pack by nickseeknconker MLG Voyage by Dynamite MD MLG Level Up v2 by idiotninja MLG Colosseum by Prophet of Heresy MLG Fatality by PulseKiller MLG Scourge v1 by porkchop21pc MLG Punishment by V3SPH MLG Undying by jeprout MLG Zenith by Baron The Real MLG Flare 3.0 by HezbollaHector MLG GantryFire by Draaygor MLG Blind Side by rkh artic fury MLG Resurection by stin10 MLG Coldmanjaro by Rogue Shadow IV MLG Affliction by killnon2 Flare v3 by deathfromabove MLG Rampage by prepare4legend MLG Blacktop by UndoingChales MLG Parabola by Happy War Cow MLG Dyslexia by LOL_drew_LOL MLG Chaos v2 by Echo SQ Leader MLG Destruction by Alec944 MLG Dystopia by Chupalupa23 MLG Triumph v1 by II-ROB-Il MLG Torrent v3.1 by WheezyMoney MLG Courtyard v2 by XSneeky IndianX MLG Impact by Kon Artist MLG Perfection v6 by BlackDeath10 MLG Flare 2.0 by deathfromabove MLG Flare 1.2 by deathfromabove MLG Wartorn by PiRaTeS ArGh Us MLG Revamped v1 by classicthunder Crucify by killnon2 MLG Enhanced by Saint Prodigy MLG Rival Beta by x_NaFy MLG Frostbite v1.5 by blackfox03 X-tac-c by IcedFrappuccino MLG Carbon Sector v2 by longshot619 MLG Holy Ground v2 by Ninja Shizoku 7/11 by killnon2 MLG Paradise by killnon2 The Kingdom of MLG by killnon2 MLG Rapid by MoB ELITE HAVOC Disputed by KONGx74x MLG Torrent v2.1 by WheezyMoney FFA Torrent v1.1 by WheezyMoney MLG Resistance by dachicken Serenity by BennyIV MLG Elapsed by tw khaotik MLG Carbon Sector by longshot619 MLG Kamikaze by connR101 Revolution v1.3 by Echo SQ Leader Rail Station 72 by Speed-e-cake Rethought by AlexDaParrot Arsenic (Alpha) by Lex1337 Red Baron Beta by Lex1337 MLG Torque v2.1 by Naptiva MLG Torque by Naptiva MLG Pandor by Rentless TrI by xUNSCxHeadShot Beserker by ThoTsy Reverence by Baron Legacy by Baron Ditch by DMM White Valkyrie v1.1 by Jump4h Restraint v1.3 by Jump4h Quad by xUNSCxHeadShot MLG Arena v1 by gunman1331 SadiStation v2 by xj4gx Middle Ground by BJFPoyver MLG Blackout by iPELE Hype (FFA and MLG versions) by SuperFeiGn MLG Inertia by SuperFeiGn MLG Slander by IxGUNxSLINGERxI Please try and remember that I created this thread to try and help people a little without putting masses of strain on the mods, so please don't have a go at me if you disagree with anything here. I'm very open to constructive criticism though, so if you have a useful contribution or suggestion to make, or a calmly worded complaint, then I'll be more than happy to take it on board.
Not a problem, this just seems like a much easier option (albeit not perfect) than a subforum. If you make a new MLG map then please let me know so I can add it, and if you see any new MLG maps from other users that aren't in this thread then please point them in my direction. If this thread becomes substantial enough then it could be useful, so please spread the word and if a staff member reads this and thinks it is worthwhile then could you please sticky it?
Yeah, i think its also easyer for people who are looking for MLG maps. Apperently there are lots of competitive maps, and lots of them are MLG, so this could help if more popular. Also I am going to post a v2 for my map, i just have to make some small tweeks, so ill give you the site when its up.
Ok cool, would you like me to keep v1 up on the list? Or just replace it with v2? Bear in mind that some people will want to look at the old post to see how the maps come along etc, and since you probably won't delete the v1 thread I'd advise keeping it on the list just for convenience.
Yeah, you can keep the v1 up, i was planning on putting a url on my v2 to go to v1. Im sure some people, as you said, would want to see the original post.
Done, thanks for the heads up. I must say though that this map doesn't appear to be symmetrical. I don't personally have a problem with this but many will say that this makes it not an MLG map. I'm inclined to agree, but don't want this thread to even come close to passing judgement on a map. I want it to be like a forum in that if a forger wants to propose their map as MLG then it goes in, unless there is consistent objection to it. This is only because there is no real solid definition for what an MLG map must be. If one can be agreed by the site at large (or I might actually go and ask MLG for their criteria) then I will begin filtering maps that don't fulfil the specified criteria. Until then I am afraid maps will be included on the intentions of the poster to make it as much like a subforum as possible. However, as I said before, if there is consistent objection to a maps inclusion then it will be removed and the poster notified.
Technically there is a clear expectation for what an MLG map is. Which has been stated by the creators of the "genre" of MLG. Things such as turrets aren't allowed.
Would you happen to have a link to the exact criteria? Or know who to talk to to find it out? It could really help this thread, and the maps section at large, if there was a concrete definition of MLG that no one could argue with.
There are many different kinds of competitve and MLG maps. And there is definitely a strict and clear set of standards and regulations for a map to be MLG. There are "MLG" maps that do not meet requirements, there are "MLG" maps that do meet all the requirements and then they are MLG maps that not only meet all the requirements but are MLG quality and meet the specifications and style of MLG. There was an MLG weapon guide here on this site that clearly states everything you need to know about weapons. There are quite a few rules for MLG maps that you would need to meet to make a truly MLG map from not allowing ghosts and sentinel beams all the way to making sniper and rockets a drop spawn, and placing weapon holders on movable objects.
MLG weapons are Rockets, Sniper, Mauler, Carbine, Plasma Pistol, and BR. MLG does not condone shield doors. I could go on. Edit: The map creator does not once reference MLG in the map post. Edit Edit: Omen by DBUK Baron.
Slander has been added IxGUNxSLINGERxI, it looks pretty fun. I do appreciate that there are certain universally accepted MLG conventions (BRs, SRs, no shield doors etc.) and fully agree with them. But there is the problem that, without a defined, all encompassing set of criteria then deciding if a map is MLG or not becomes very sketchy. Its easy to say "this shouldn't be allowed because it has so and so", but what is really needed is a full set of criteria and forbidden weapons/items/techniques that is actually sanctioned by MLG. Otherwise everytime someone comes up with something that "isn't MLG", I will have to go back through all the maps checking that it isnt included. The guidelines must be definite, sanctioned, all encompassing and permanent. People's opinions are generally the same on what is MLG standard, but often they aren't, and without a genuine set of criteria, none of these opinions are technically any more valid than any other. This said, I may go through and take out any maps that have turrets, as I think we can all agree that they are not MLG, so you will probably have your way on this one Lynx. An alternative to an official set of criteria would be one defined here by consensus, I may start a thread, or just add an appendix to this one, attempting to create an overall set of criteria for the purposes of this thread. The one thing I don't want to do however, is start pandering to people's opinions on what they personally think an MLG map should, quite aside from what is actually the case. The aim of this thread is to be as much like a subforum as possible, which means that it should be as open as possible to people's creations. EDIT: Again, if anyone has an official MLG Definition of what makes a map (please don't just say what you "know" to be MLG, you may very well be right but some people will always argue, and there's no point in having criteria unless they are definitive and not debatable) then please post it here or PM me, it would help a massive amount
Yeah, since we're talking about MLG weapons basicly, i'v been wondering why do snipers and rockets have to reswpan in the air to fall down from the respawn point? Is it so that if it isnt picked up, it disapers to respawn again? MLG Carbon Sector v2