Philthyphillup’s Guide for the Noob Hello and Welcome to ForgeHub. Here at ForgeHub we have a large community that loves Halo and what it has to offer. Here you can take part in multiple activities such as contests, making Group maps, or even finding other members to play Champaign with. With ForgeHubs excellent Forging Tutorials you can learn all the advanced tricks you see on amazing maps. This Guide will teach you a little about everything you will need to know. So, sit back and enjoy! Content: 1: Forging 1.1: Interlocking 2: Theater 2.1: Techniques 3: Matchmaking 4: Champaign 4.1: Skulls 5: Websites 5.1: Bungie 5.2: Xbox 5.3: ForgeHub 5.4: Photobucket 5.6: Machinima 1: Forging I won’t go into depth of what all you can do in forge because there is so much to cover. But I will talk to you about one of the most important forms of forging that can make your maps not only look great, but also play great.1.1: Interlocking Interlocking is one of the more common tricks that’s forgers will use to make their maps do what they want. It may seem hard if you have never interlocked before, but once you learn it’s like riding a bike. To get started you will need to learn about item options in forge. You can access this by holding and item and pressing the “X” button. For most items there will be three thing that’s you can change when you press the X button, but you will only have to worry about the top two. The first option is “Respawn time” and the second is “spawn at start”. With these two options you can effectively interlock items. But first you have to know that there are two different types of items, Movable and Immovable. They mean what they sound like, and you can only interlock immovable items (at least effectively). Let’s say you want to interlock two double boxes end to end, here’s a step by step guide on how to do it. 1. Place two boxes end to end. 2. Place a third box next to them for a guide line. 3. Click X on one of the boxes (Ill use the right box for example) and make the respawn time 180, and then go down to where it says “Spawn at start” and click no. Now start a new round. The boxes should now look like this: 4. Now move the left box over to the right. The amount you move it should depend on what you need. Im moving it just enough so they interlock. And remember, the third box is there so you keep your boxes square, use it. So once you move your box you can delete your third box, press X two times on the remaining box and you will see a new screen. Look at the number on the third row and change the number on the second row to that. Then change it back. Press B and you will see the other screen again. Now change the “spawn at start” to yes. You have now interlocked! 2: Theater In Theater mode you can take pictures, Record film clips and review your past games. Most people here at ForgeHub will use Theater mode to take pictures of their maps (Ill get into this later) to show. But we also have a pictures are where you can show off your cool battle scenes or deaths.2.1: Techniques When taking pictures of yourself or scenery you can use different types of equipment to give you pictures different colors or moods. A bubble shield, regenerator, deployable cover, power drainer, and all of the grenades can be used for color and texture mixtures. You just have to mix and match them, or even just use one by its self for a great picture. 3: Matchmaking In matchmaking you have two different numbers that will decide you rank: Experience and Skill. There are also two types of games in matchmaking: Ranked and Social. In ranked games you can gain both experience and skill. But in Social games you can only gain experience. You gain 1 experience point every time you win a game. But in ranked games you won’t always gain skill points, even if you win. Skill points are based on how you’ve done in the past few games. Sometimes you might have to win one game to get a skill point, sometimes you might have to win three games to gain a skill point. 4. Champaign Beating Champaign not only will give you achievements, but will also be shown on your Service Record, and on what difficulty. Playing Champaign can be a good way to relax when you keep losing in matchmaking, or you just can seem to work out the kinks on your map. Also playing with friends can be a fun thing to do when your bored, or you want to try and leave the map.4.1: Gold Skulls Gold Skull list: Iron Level: Sierra 117 Directions: Battle through to the end of the level until the point where you must rescue Sergeant Johnson and his team. Sniper as many enemies as you can before jumping down, especially on the bridge. Jump down and cross the bridge. Keep to the right of the bridge until you see a block lined with some pipes. Hop onto this block and continue. When you reach the end of this raised block, jump up into the balcony. Follow this balcony to the end, the skull is hidden behind a pillar jutting out from the building tucked into the corner. Black Eye Level: Crows Nest Directions: At the beginning of the level, walk to the door leading to the barracks, then turn around. Walk to the black metal rack and jump onto it. Slowly move to the very right of the metal rack. Jump onto the small black pipes, then onto the large brown pipe in front of you. Walk along the pipe, taking care not to fall off and you will see the skull at the end. Tough Luck Level: Tsavo Highway Directions: Keep battling through to the point where you must fight a group of Brutes, two of which are using Choppers. Kill all the enemies, destroy the shield, then continue through until you reach a long, winding bridge. At this point a Covenant Battle Cruiser should fly overhead. To your left you will see a series of yellow ladders. Go to the very last one. If you receive a regenerator at the top, you will know it is the correct ladder. Jump over or around the large metal bar, then turn to the left. Look down and you will see a large, black support below you. Jump down onto it. Walk along to the end of the support, then turn to the left again. Now you should be able to see the skull on a cliff across a gap. Jump across the gap, and get the skull. Catch Level: The Storm Directions: Battle through to the point where you fight an AA wraith, a handful of Ghosts, and a standard Wraith. You should see a silo like building. (See image) On top of this is the skull. 3. If you destroy the standard Wraith, the skull will vanish. Fog Level: Floodgate Directions: At the beginning of the level, as soon as you enter the city, there is a the first main building with a missile installation on the right. Move to the middle of the road that leads in and left. Take out a weapon with a scope (preferably a battle rifle) and look up and to the right. You will see a single flood combat form on the roof of the building to the right. It will jump across the street above you and a marine will starts yelling "there, over there". Kill the flood just before or as it jumps. Hopefully, the skull will fall off the right hand building so you can pick it up. This could take several tries. Thunderstorm Level: The Covenant Directions: After taking down the first tower there is a part in the level where there are two hornets. Instead of going straight for the third tower, head to the right to find an abandoned second tower. The skull will be on the risen platform on this tower. Tilt Level: Cortana Directions: The skull is at the top of the large circular room where Cortana asks your name, and says it’s very nice to meet you. To the left of the room will be some small growths on the walls. Near this is a rounded pillar. Stand on the pillar and jump to the thin growth outcrops to the left. Once on top turn to the left again to jump on another pair of outcrops. It can be a difficult jump. Walk up the Flood tentacle onto the roof of the area where you will find the Skull. Mythic Level: Halo Directions: Move forward and into the cave. You will see a tunnel opening to the right. Move through this and the skull is at the end. Its easier to see if you turn on your light with the D pad. 5: websites There are many websites that can help and inform you. The halo world is full of fun and exciting new thing almost everyday. You just have to keep up on them.5.1: Bungie Bungie is the wonderful company that brought this game to us! And they always have new info and knowledge to share, weather its great or disappointing. You can make an account there and write in fourms, send letters to friends, and look at your stats. Heres a link: Welcome to Bungie Studios : Don't use -blam!-.5.2: Xbox Xbox is a site the has all the info you need about new games, the arcade list, and Xbox accessories. You can make an account at: | Home and with this you can check messages and see if any of your friends are on.5.3: ForgeHub Ahhhh, ForgeHub! A great site for people that love taking picture, building maps, or just talking to other fans of Halo. But that’s not all, no, there is much more to explore. Here you can become one of our fabulous citizens and make friends and learn more than your brain can handle. So, Join!5.4: Photobucket Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket is a very useful site. If you want to show your new map off or you just took the coolest picture ever, you might want to know that you cant use the pictures straight from You have to get a account at Photobucket and upload your images there. Heres a link that will better explain it: ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Competitive Maps5.5: Machinima Well, Machinima is something that most people can enjoy. Their funny, sad, adventury…..? O well, but Machinima is basically a video filmed with acting from a Video game. You can see lots of them here: or here: YouTube - machinima's Channel Well, I hope you enjoyed your stay! Your welcome to ask me questions anytime, either PM me or just write them down below. And please, have fun!
This is great, but really, it's been done many times before. ForgeHub has an extensive amount of FAQ's to help the needy forger, like Kayaman's forge database for example. And by now, everyone has at least played through the campaign at least once, if not multiple times. But still, your post is very helpful and allows easy access to sites, plus helpful guides to forge easily, and find all skulls in the campaign. Nice work.
campaign* I see you put some effort into this, and you did a good job, but like chip's kind of a mishmash of things already done.