I've hd my xbox since may of 2007 and it's eben getting slow lately. By that I mean, it takes 30 seconds to load up the guide, whenever I press start to change my sensetivity during a game it freezes for a bit. And it's really annoying me, is there any way that I can make it run faster and smoother? Any help given will be awarded with +rep =]
i would try clearing up your hard drive by deleting stuff that you dont need if that doesn't work call 1-800-4-my-xbox
I'd try clearing your 360's cache. Go to the "System" blade and select your console's hard drive. With the hard drive selected, Y, X, X, LB, LB, X, X. A message will appear asking you if you wish to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices. Select "Yes," and within a few moments your Xbox 360 hard drive will clear its memory cache. Clearing the memory cache will remove all software updates that you may have downloaded for other games, so you'll need to go and download the updates again.
Ok I did that, and it did nothing. And I deleted all videos, demo's, trailers, most gamer pics, there's only 2 gamer profiles now. And it's still slow. =[
Might need to call customer support. There may be something wrong with your Xbox, and you may need to get it repaired/replaced.
No! Anything but that. I jsut want a few tips which might speed it up. But when the new dashboard comes, it should be alot faster.
You should seriously try getting a vacuum with a hose attachment and try and suck some of the old crap out of the fan area without cracking the box open. Whatever you do, don't use canned air to blow the crap out like you would a PC. It may not help, but it's a good thing to try. You also may want to move it to a better (more open) location to let the heat dissipate better. Don't care about rep, but I hope it's able to help you out. I know the withdrawals of no xbox, and they ain't pretty.
Yeah I still have my xbox. It's just been getting slow. It's in a very open area, nearly next to a window. But I didn't think of using the vaccum thing, so I will if I can. Thanks for the help =]
Cooling your 360 with an external fan should help, and if not, will at least extend the life of your 360. They're releasing a new intercooler fan that should work good for you here.
I wouldn't go with the external fan that attaches to it. It makes it worse. I've tried it on several boxes and it made them worse. You could use a fan such as this: http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/al/alaskan-30cm-brushed-nickel-fan.jpg But I wouldn't use those other fans.
I think I'll invest in one of these as well. Does anyone know if this would go any way towards combating the reputed effects of budget glitched maps? Many say that they reduce the life of your box by overheating it, and this seems like a pretty obvious and cheap solution to that problem as well (if it is really the case) Oh, and heres a UK version of the link since I notice you are also from England Mortarion. Its a very reasonable price.
Don't listen to this user, they don't know what they're talking about. Here is a review from IGN.com on the fan I showed you earlier and some stats to back up its effectiveness.
delete stuff, and maybe get a cooler so it doesnt get hot(im not sure if the cooler will help make it faster or not, just a hunch). however, coolers are just freaking loud, i took mine off because it was so loud, it annoyed me to insanity. call gamstop and ask them, or get a new xbox
I'm sorry, I've used them. They made the Xbox's worse. Sorry if you haven't had the same experience. Mortarion, I'd try the fan if nothing else works. I'm just saying I haven't had a good experience with them. If that or anything else doesn't work, you'll probably have to suck it up and send it in.
I'm up for a discussion on their effectiveness. What kind did you use and what didn't work? Did they not cool your system enough, or were they too loud for your taste? Systems that get the RRoD will get them regardless of having an Intercooler or not.
I've got an Intercooler on mine and it's working great. It's loud as hell, but I've got some sweet surround sound headphones so it's no big deal.