After seeing the trailer and demo of the game at E3 who else believes this game will be a instant classic. With all the new features [CO-OP,over 100 vehicles,fully destructable enviroment..ect] and reading the story I can't wait to play this new game. I'm sure their are a few fans of the Mercenaries series here and I wanted to see what you guys think of the second instalment in the series.
Looks amazing. Never played the first one, but I wanted it. My friend had it, recommended it, never let me play it, and moved away. Hated him for that. I wonder if there will be some kind of online multiplayer aspect? GTA4 did a good job there, but that's a different game entirely.
I was watching it on G4. It was awesome when they put the explosives on the jeep. Drove forward over the fence, jumped out, and then it ran into the facility and blew up. And the ending of that level just made my jaw drop. TACTICAL NUKES FTW
mercenaries? like that game is so good its like competing for halos spot for most epic game ive ever played the best part was just hitting up the cheat codes after you beat the game and just go on a killing rampage destroying EVERYTHING! oh and the level where everything gets nuked kind of towards the end is just plain awesome.
The cheats were very fun in the first one I hope they have all the old ones plus new cheats especialy secret weapons and character models would be nice. I'm sad there will be no Russian mafia but the pirates will do just fine. Also you can turn almost anything on fire with gasoline and your zippo lighter! : D
I saw footage of the game in various places, read about it, and it looks plain awesome. Epic environment, superior destructibility, and just plain good looking, this may be a buy for me if it does better than the Force Unleashed, Far Cry 2, or GoW. Those, by the way, are on my to-do list this holiday season. By the way, I hate the commercial for this, the song is unbearably annoying.
I had the original Mercenaries for PS2, and I would play it over Halo 3 any day(plz dun ban me k?). Especially the cheats. Best cheats in a game.
Those big RPG games always have the greatest cheats- like GTA. The ones before IV were more plentiful though. Sadly, I didn't have the pleasure to play Mercenaries 1, so I don't really have anyway to compare the two games though.
When I bought BF : Bad Company, there was an add on this. I was planning on buying after I saw what everyone thought. Either way I still may buy.
I just bought this yesterday and love it! I like the bright feeling as opposed to the darkness of mercs1. The graphics on characters aren't that great for a next-gen, but the explosions look absolutely amazing. Even after I beat the story of this game I will come back probably atleast once a week just to blow **** up! Haven't had a chance for multiplayer yet, but I'm sure its twice as good. Oh yeah, and sadly, no cheats. :'( But it's really fine because you don't really die very often, and you're pretty tough. I never ran out of ammo, and money is easy to get. I just need to unlock all the store items.
im sorry if i misunderstood but from wht i get from your post your saying mercs is an RPG? sry if im wrong but do you know what game were talking about here?
Hmm .. My cousin suggested this to me because he's getting it .. I might get it if i have some spare money but there is other games i am excited about ..
I really don't know, I haven't ever played the series, I don't know why but to me it doesn't look that interesting. Its just Bad Company (which is a good game) only with a few different things changed around.
This game is epic. The epicness starts on the first contract, where you must steal Salono's house. This game is great. Buy it.
Yeah I beat the story and I am still playing it for all the stuff to get, and there is a lot to get. Multiplayer is fun as long as you talk to the person, otherwise you two will be at odds the whole time. The vehicles you can get are very cool, I got a dune buggy with missile launchers on it. The world is large and easy to navigate, the fact that you can get a nuclear bunker buster is amazing,nothing stands in you way when you have a nuke only a laser designator away. Multiplayer is great because you and a friend and tackle hard mission or you can mess around blowing up stuff for example I went to the top of tall building in Crascus and set a air strike on my loaction and me and my friend jumped in the helicopter only to get shot down by our own missle and we fell about 100 stories to the ground. Very fun, also rolling a tank through a downtown area is hours of fun.
I just saw that ad,with the kick ass catchy song which i have since downloaded and decided RIGHT THEN i was buying it the same day i went out to get spore (same release day here )
Sounds like there is no challenge. Frankly, like that it will get very little popularity. It may easy, but that means the games going to get SO boring.
It would seem that way wouldn't it, but really it's still a challenge. Many contracts require you to protect a building or person which can cause you to replay contracts several times before you complete it. Even though it seems like it's mindless blowing stuff up, you can implement strategy and it helps. Things like the most important thing to kill first down to what you want to have purchased and supplied (vehicles, nukes, etc.) plays a big role in the gameplay.